Title: Consultancy
2ISO 27001 Information Security Management
Information if probably one of the most important
business asset that needs absolute protection.
Organizations depending on information systems
are left vulnerable to security threats which
include data loss, hacking and confidentiality
breaches and even terrorism.
3 We at Vegas CG provide you with the needed
certification that helps you acquire ISO 27001
standard which provides organizations with a
standardized framework for managing and
implementing ISMS.
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5Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification
Competitive advantage Organizations you do
business are becoming increasingly cautious about
the safety of your IT systems. Demonstrating your
capability being certified enables you to
demonstrate your Information safety systems
without divulging or revealing the
details. Minimizing Risk Ensures standardized
controls that reduce the risk of security threats
are in placed and helps eliminate exploitation of
system weakness.
6Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification
Achieve consistency of product/service quality
and compliance with legal requirements Formalize
Good Working Practices Assure satisfaction and
added value to customers Reduce costs for
quality International recognition as a
well-managed organization and business
7Compliance with legislation A process for
compliance whereby potential and existing
legislation is identified and adhered
to. Internationally recognized standard. Insurance
premiums potentially reduced. Business process
integrates security as well.
8 Why Choose Vegas CG?
When it comes to creating value in ISO 27001
certification, Vegas CG Certification is ahead of
the curve. Unlike other registrars, we look
beyond Stage 1 and Stage 2 to be your business
partner at every stage of your QMSs life cycle.
From sharing best practices and new industry
requirements, to assessing your performance
against your own objectives, we are dedicated to
providing audit results that address your
business needs and benefit the organization.
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