Title: Birthday kids parties
1? Laurel's Princess
"Delivering happiness to children
and their families!"
2Our mission is to empower children of all ages
to believe in their dreams by being able to use
their imaginations. Laurel's Princess Parties
GivesBack program was created to help non-profit
organization to ask for donations for Meet and
Greets and Party package donations.
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5? laurel s princess parties delivering happiness
to children and their families classic princesses
heroes ?villan children winter friends
fairytale friends american hero wonder woman bat
hero spider hero
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8Party packages extras 15 birthday princess
necklace additional time 25 for each 15 minutes
face painting balloon art or glitter tattoos 30
jingle bell rock - 75 30 min with crystal up to 5
children 5 each additional child write letters to
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10 More Information www.laurelsprincessparties.c