Title: veolakent
1Law Office of Linden E. Thomas, PLLC
2Overwhelmed? I can help gt The law is serious
business. The contracts you sign and the
decisions you make can affect your bottom line
for years to come. That's why you deserve an
attorney with over 18 years of experience
successfully  representing property owners,
estates, and small business owners.
3learn about the legal issues affecting
you gt With over 18 years of experience
advocating on behalf of real estate owners,
estates, small businesses, and technology
companies, chances are that I have worked on
a case that is similar to yours.  Check out my
blog for the issues and laws affecting you.
4(No Transcript)
5Real Estate Law Dividing joint
property ?partition actions post-divorce
enforcement negotiated buyouts ?estate asset
liquidation improper deed transfers
6Â When relationships end there are often
uncomfortable finical issues that must be
addressed. For example, you may jointly own
property with your ex-wife, ex-husband,
ex-fiancee or ex-partner, but he/she refuses to
sell the property or buy your share. Or a loved
one may have passed away while he/she jointly
owned real property with another person.Â
7Contact Us
- Law Office of Linden E. Thomas, PLLC
- 469 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor
- New York, N.Y. 10018
- (347) 838-2610 - phone
- (212) 656-1415 - fax
- lt_at_lindenthomaslaw.com
8For more detail please visit
9Thank You