Title: HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success @ hca430papers.com
1HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success _at_ hca430papers.com
2HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca430papers.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Paper/PPT for each Assignment (Week
2,3,5) HCA 430 Week 1 DQ 1 Understanding the
Scope of Vulnerable Populations HCA 430 Week 1 DQ
2 Factors Affecting Vulnerability and Assessment
of Needs HCA 430 Week 2 Assigment Vulnerable
Population Summary and Proposed Program HCA 430
Week 2 DQ 1 Social Versus Human Capital
3HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 1 DQ 1 Understanding the Scope of
Vulnerable Populations FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca430papers.com Understanding the
Scope of Vulnerable Populations. Review the
descriptions of the ten special populations
addressed in Chapter 1 of your course textbook.
Identify the three groups you feel are most
vulnerable. Explain your reasoning for selecting
the groups based on
4HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 1 DQ 2 Factors Affecting
Vulnerability and Assessment of Needs FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.com Factors
Affecting Vulnerability and Assessment of Needs.
This weeks second discussion forum will focus on
two selected groups Vulnerable mothers and
children People affected by alcohol and
substance abuse
5HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 2 Assigment Vulnerable Population
Summary and Proposed Program FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca430papers.com Vulnerable Population
Summary and Proposed Program. The first of your
two written assignments for the course will
provide a beginning framework that you will
utilize in the development of your Final Project
a proposal for a community-based program in your
area. For this first written assignment, you will
select one of the vulnerable groups identified in
the text that will serve as your target
population of interest throughout the duration of
your next written assignment and Final Project.
6HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 2 DQ 1 Social Versus Human Capital
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.com Soc
ial Versus Human Capital. This weeks first
discussion forum will focus on the population of
abused individuals. Abuse is a pervasive problem
in our society. Although the forms of abuse, as
well as the intensity and duration can vary from
case to case, each abused person is tasked with
dealing with the scars left from the abuse.
7HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 2 DQ 2 Continuum of Care Evaluation
VISIT www.hca430papers.com Continuum of Care
Evaluation and Analysis. This weeks second
discussion forum focuses on the populations of
the chronically ill and the disabled. You may be
familiar with the common quote An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure. In reality,
however, you may know of a person, family, or
group who is not receiving adequate preventive or
medical care due to a lack of resources and funds.
8HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 3 Assignment Assessment of Community
VISIT www.hca430papers.com Assessment of
Community-Level Barriers. For the second written
assignment of the course, you will continue in
the design of your proposed model program by
demonstrating your understanding of your selected
populations challenges, which negatively impact
this groups health and well-being. Based on this
weeks research, conduct an assessment of the
barriers, limitations, and other distinguishing
features, as they exist within your community.
9HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 3 DQ 1 Cost of Health Care FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.com Cost of
Health Care. Our health, or the absence of such,
can be very expensive. Many vulnerable
populations simply do not have private funds
available to pay for their care. Relating your
research to individuals with mental conditions,
select a mental illness of your choice and
discuss your response to the following questions
10HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 3 DQ 2 Barriers to Care FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.com Barriers to
Care. Suicide and homicide are violent actions
reported in the news daily. Individuals suffering
from abuse, depression, mental disorders, or
substance-abuse disorders are at an increased
risk for committing suicide or homicide. Factors
that contribute to the risk are age, gender,
socio-economic status, and race/ethnicity.
11HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 4 DQ 1 Economic Dynamics of Health
Care Delivery Models FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca430papers.com Economic Dynamics of
Health Care Delivery Models. After reading
Chapter 7 and the required resources for this
week, consider the following scenario
12HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 4 DQ 2 Regulatory, Legal, Ethical,
and Accreditation Issues in Research FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.com Regulatory,
Legal, Ethical, and Accreditation Issues in
Research. As highlighted in Chapter 9 of your
course text, three research methods are available
(descriptive, analytic, and evaluative).
13HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 5 DQ 1 Variations in Approaches to
Care FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.c
om Variations in Approaches to Care. Choose a
specific culture or ethnicity of an immigrant or
refugee population. Analyze their cultural and
social norms.
14HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 5 DQ 2 Making a Difference FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.com Making
a Difference. Imagine you are a policymaker for
your city or town. Based on what you know and
what you have learned in this course, what would
you modify or improve to make a positive change
in the life of a vulnerable group we have not
covered in class?
15HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success
HCA 430 Week 5 Final Project (2 Papers PPT) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca430papers.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers/PPT Project 1Alcohol
and Substance Abuse Project 2 Suicide and
homicide (Prevention) Final Project. In the first
two written assignments, you selected one
vulnerable population in need of a new program or
service in your community. In this project, you
will finalize the research that allows you to
understand elements that go into designing and
launching a community service. The Final Project
will be written
16HCA 430 PAPERS Massive Success _at_ hca430papers.com