Title: SOC 305 Begins Education / snaptutorial.com
1SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
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2SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 1 DQ 1 Moral Panic
- SOC 305 Week 1 DQ 1 Moral Panic
- SOC 305 Week 1 DQ 2 Race and Death Row
- SOC 305 Week 1 Quiz
- SOC 305 Week 2 DQ 1 Legal Representation and
Social Class - SOC 305 Week 2 DQ 2 The War on Drugs
- SOC 305 Week 1 DQ 1 Moral Panic
- SOC 305 Week 1 DQ 2 Race and Death Row
- SOC 305 Week 1 Quiz
- SOC 305 Week 2 DQ 1 Legal Representation and
Social Class - SOC 305 Week 2 DQ 2 The War on Drugs
3SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 1 DQ 2 Race and Death Row
- a. What do you think best explains high
incarceration rates for Blacks compared to their
percent of the general population? - b. What do you think explains high incarceration
rates for Blacks on death row? - c. Is institutionalized racism to blame for these
disparate rates? Please explain.
- 1. Question The ___ is believed
to report about three times more crime than the
_____. - 2. Question Judd is hungry. He
sees a candy bar in a store, so he steals it.
What theory of crime does his action most
4SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 2 DQ 1 Legal Representation and
Social Class
- SOC 305 Week 2 DQ 2 The War on Drugs
- a. How does geographic location play a role in
the quality of representation provided by the
public defender? - b. How does the overburdened public defense
system in many areas contribute to issues of
wrongful conviction?
- a. In your opinion, what have been among the main
outcomes of the War on Drugs? - b. How close has it come to its original goals
of reducing drug use and punishing drug
suppliers? - c. How has this war impacted African-American
5SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 2 Final Paper Preparation (Effects
and Solutions to Drug Abuse)
- Final Paper Preparation. To prepare for your
Final Paper (due in Week Five), complete the
following assignment and submit it to your
instructor for feedback. Your paper should
include a problem statement, outline, and
annotated bibliography.
- 1. Question With which statement
would the author agree? - 2. Question Which criminals,
according to studies reported in the text, are
most likely to be caught and punished harshly? - 3. Question Social stratification
refers to
6SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 2 Final Paper Preparation (Effects
and Solutions to Drug Abuse)
- 1. Title
- 2. Abstract
- 3. What is the problem? Be sure to narrow your
problem enough to allow a focused examination. - 4. What are the individual and social
implications of this problem? - 5. What do the experts say about the problem?
- 1. Question With which statement
would the author agree? - 2. Question Which criminals,
according to studies reported in the text, are
most likely to be caught and punished harshly? - 3. Question Social stratification
refers to
7SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 3 Assignment Myths and Reality of
- SOC 305 Week 3 DQ 1 Child or Adult
- a. Are these descriptions likely to focus on
street criminals, or the variety of topics
covered in this video? - b. How does society define crime? Do not provide
a definition instead, describe how the
definition is reached. - c. How does society decide what to define as a
- a. What are the main similarities and differences
in these two systems? - b. Which system is best equipped to handle the
case of Cristian Fernandez from the beginning of
Chapter 5? - c. For what type of crimes would it be better to
be in the criminal justice system?
8SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 3 DQ 2 Relationships in Prison
- a. Should guards allow or encourage familial
and/or sexual relationships in prison? What are
the pros and cons? - b. Why do you think women who are straight in the
community choose to enter into homosexual
relationships in prison?
- 1. Question Data on juvenile
crime indicates ____________. - 2. Question Why is the data
presented by the author not necessarily an
accurate reflection of who actually commits
delinquency? - 3. Question Statistics suggest
that, in the United States, violent crime
9SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 4 DQ 1 Honor Killings
- SOC 305 Week 4 DQ 2 Hate Groups and Hate Crime
- a. Are honor killings simply domestic violence?
- b. What similarities do honor killings have with
other forms of interpersonal crime? What
differences do they exhibit? - c. In your opinion, what is the best way for the
criminal justice system to treat and respond to
honor killings?
- a. Were you aware of the number and range of
recognized hate groups in these states? - b. Why would individuals make the decision to
associate with these groups? - c. As we see, every one of us is a target in one
way or another. How does this targeting turn to
hate crime?
10SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 5 DQ 1 School Shootings
- 1. Question All of the following
are correlates with child abuse except _____. - 2. Question Sally pays her
utility bill using someone elses credit
information. What is the best description of her
activity? - 3. Question Which of the
following is true about parent abuse?
- a. Refer to a specific statistic found on the
site, with proper citation. Tell us why this
statistic surprised you, confirmed your belief,
etc. - b. In 81 of violent, targeted school attacks, at
least one person knew someone was conceiving of
or planning an attack. Why do you think this is?
11SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
- SOC 305 Week 5 DQ 2 Privatization
- SOC 305 Week 5 Final Paper Effects and Solutions
to Drug Abuse
- a. In your opinion, what groups of people benefit
most when the prison system is capitalized? What
groups or people benefit least? - b. In your informed opinion, are private prisons
a bargain? Why or why not? Has the general public
reached the same conclusion? Why or why not?
- While the following example can be modified to
suit your needs, this outline is likely to result
in a high-quality Final Paper - 1. Title
- 2. Abstract
- 3. What is the problem? Be sure to narrow your
problem enough to allow a focused examination.
12SOC 305 Course Begins Education /
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