Title: Business Insurance (1)
1Keys To Remove Risk From Your Business
2Operational riskIt refers to unpredictable
changes in day to day operations of a
company.Reputational riskNegative publicity of
company might result in various types of
losses.Compliance riskMaterial loss,legal
penalities etc are the risks that come under this
category. Bad Debt riskIt is the portion of
the loan when the creditor is unable to collect
and that is considered as a loss.
Risks In The Business
3Here Are Some Key Points To Manage Risks In Your
Risk IdentificationCreating a business plan will
helps in identifying risks. Risk EvaluationOnce
identification is done, consider the impact of
risk on business. Risk MeasurementRisks should
be measured by how they affect earnings, cash
flow, and business operations. Credit Procedure
DevelopmentDesign credit procedures that will
define your credit limits.
4Why Trade Credit Risk
- We design credit procedures based on the size of
your business. - We save your account against the risk of having a
bad debt. - We help to protect your business from risks.
- We have a dedicated management process which
acts on your behalf by negotiating the best claim
outcomes for you. - We have years of experience in the insurance
industry and a thorough understanding of your
5For any Queries,Please Contact
Phone No.-03 9842 0986 Email -info_at_tradecreditris
k.com.au Visit our Websitewww.tradecreditrisk.co