Title: Best Hair Transplant|cosmetic surgeon|Chandigarh|Ludhiana|
1Welcome to Sno Hospital
Dr.Omi Jindal
2Facial Rejuvenation refers to the blend of
Cosmetic strategies used to reestablish your
facial elements to their past energetic
appearance. While a face-lift is frequently the
stay or establishment for some facial
Facial Rejuvenation in Ludhiana
3SNO is the first and only Cosmetic Surgery
clinic in the region to be certified with ISO
valid worldwide. We are providing the best Hair
Transplant in Ludhiana and Chandigarh region.
SNO has been awarded 5 star ratings by JUSTDIAL
INSPECTION TEAM after surveys in public.
Hair Transplant in Chandigarh
4Cosmetic Surgeon in
Blepharoplasty usually takes one to two hours,
depending on the extent of the surgery.
5Contact us
Ashapuri Chowk,Barewal Road,Ferozepur Road
Ludhiana -141012 phone9217060061 emailsnoclin
6Thank you.
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