Title: Video Ads Formula review and (SECRET) $13600 bonus
1Video Ads Formula Review Revealing How to
Leverage Massive Traffic, Leads Sales Through
Video Ads
What is Video Ads Formula? http//beginnerdiary.co
m/video-ads-formula- review/ Video is one of the
most effective way of marketing on social network
right now and in accordance with the new report,
the biggest social network just announce they are
getting 8 billion views daily to their
video. Mario Brown immediately saw the
opportunity and jumped right in running Video
Ads, testing variations, figuring out how to get
the cheapest leads, tweaked his landing pages
for the highest conversions and here is the best
part He RECORDED EVERYTHING After days of
collecting data and investing his own money, now
he is ready to showcase to you an amazing case
study just for you to leverage in the minimum
time spend possible. Introducing Video Ads
Formula. Video Ads Formula is a training course
made by Mario Brown that will teach you tons of
thing about video marketing that he has been
through such as
2- What video ads Mario used to get an insane amount
of likes, Shares and Comments. - His BEST Converting Landing Page With A 53 (!)
Conversion Rate From COLD Traffic - EVERY SINGLE Retargeting Ad he Tested Tweaked
Is Now Yours To Swipe - How he was Only Paying 1,43 Per Lead In THE Most
Competitive Niche - EVERY Interest he Targeted Revealed (You'll Be
Shocked To See What Worked What Bombed) - His EXACT Bidding Strategy SIMPLE Tracking
Formula - Video Ads Formula's Key Module
- If you act fast you're getting everything
including - MODULE 01 System Overview The Private
Members-Only Formula - Mario gets straight to the point by delivering
you the PROVEN, income generating formula right
here in the first module. Youll be off to a HUGE
HEAD START by completing this lesson, youll
discover why Video is critical PLUS Youll get
his Mental Toughness Hacks forcing you to
execute and implement every lesson in this
training for bigger profits growth. - MODULE 02 Marios EXACT Best Converting Landing
Pages Tracking - He will show you STEP BY STEP how to create
highly converting landing pages AND reveal to you
the EXACT landing pages he used during this case
study to get a 53 conversion rate with COLD
Traffic. Youll ALSO learn how to set up your
tracking correctly in a NEWBIE FRIENDLY way
anyone can understand and implement right away.
3MODULE 03 Campaign Secrets Creating The
Perfect Ad How did Mario get leads for next to
nothing, penny clicks and a massive Return of
Investment? Now YOU can do the same because he
will take you through every step of his campaign
set up, you literally look over his shoulder.
Mario break down his video ads, show you how to
easily get your video ad up and how to target
your ideal customer like a true Pro. Become a
targeting ninja with this module and see exactly
how he created his ad.
4MODULE 04 The Retargeting Revolution Besides
high click through rates, super cheap leads and a
great Return of Investment Im ALSO getting huge
exposure, name recognition and authority
credibility with each campaign thanks to super
simple but POWERFUL retargeting strategies.
Mario give you the EXACT ads he used and show you
how to set this up Step By Step quickly how to
really be perceived as the TOP Authority in your
niche thanks to the extremely powerful and low
cost marketing strategy.
5MODULE 05 The Results aka THE GOLD This is when
YOU BENEFIT The MOST. Marios spent his hard
earned money for you. Tested, tracked and
optimized like a maniac to fin the BEST Most
Powerful interests, bidding strategies and
formulas. YOU Dont have to spend a dollar on
testing, He will REVEAL EVERYTHING. Which
interest is getting me the most clicks, how is
Mobile performing vs. Desktop, what was cheaper
between Cost Per Click Vs. Cost Per Impression?
Guess no more because Mario have hard earned DATA
and now its YOURS for the taking, he hand it to
you. This is the gold, this is where you save
time, money and headaches right away. Use his
data and get the best results immediately.
6MODULE 06 Creating Powerful, Converting
Engaging Videos In this Module youll learn step
by step how Mario creating Engaging Converting
videos that bring him views, clicks, likes,
shares and most importantly very affordable leads
and SALES. Mario have training ready for you here
on how to do simple but effective Screen-Capture
videos the way he do them for his advertising
campaigns. Hell cover Mac, PC and even show you
a 100 FREE tool to crank videos out in a snap.
(Youll LOVE this) Then Marioll show you how to
create in-person videos, reveal his exact set up
and how you can crank out amazing videos with
your Smart Phone. Of course, you can also just
outsource everything and hell show you the best
place to do exactly that for next to nothing and
7MODULE 07 CRITICAL Keeping Your Account Safe
Happy The secret to running highly profitable,
amazing and money making Facebook Ads is to be
able to run Facebook Ads. Its critical that you
keep your FB Account safe sound and there are 3
critical steps you must implement today to do
that. In this training Mario show you exactly how
his students and him run massive traffic in any
niche without any issues. If you give Facebook
what it wants, it will love you and instead of
getting your account shut down they WILL HELP
YOU run better and cheaper ads period. But you
have to know what you are doing. Ignore these 3
steps or this module and sooner or later
youll be in trouble. Follow the simple yet
powerful system Mario used and youll be safe,
happy and youll get even better results
8Exclusive Bonuses Of Video Ads Formula FAST
ACTION BONUS 01 - 497 Value Live Coaching With
Mario How To Capture Mobile Leads Immediately
(Brand New Technology) This is a BRAND NEW
Feature Facebook just rolled out the other day.
You can now collect leads DIRECTLY from mobile
devices if someone is seeing your ad on their
phone. Please read this again. You can now run
ads to Mobile Devices and DIRECTLY collect leads.
This was not possible until now. Marioll show
you how to set this up step by step and how to
leverage an exclusive strategy to add those
leads IMMEDIATELY to your Autoresponder in order
to follow up. NOBODY is teaching this and youll
be one of the first people taking advantage of
this brand new feature and technology. Youll
get Crazy Cheap leads this way and build a
MASSIVE list fast, now prospects can opt in with
ONE CLICK from their phones.
9FAST ACTION BONUS 02 - 497 Value Live Training
With Mario How To Leverage AUTOMATED Webinars
With Facebook Traffic Mario LOVE doing webinars
and he love doing them live BUT he is also using
automated Webinars because believe in building a
lifestyle business and he love the idea of
working on something once and then leveraging it
automatically again and again. Thats the power
of Automated Webinars. He is sending traffic to a
recorded session and with that he can 100
automate the funnel and now YOU can do the
same. Hell teach you LIVE how to set it up, what
to keep in mind and how to generate the highest
Return Of Investment possible. Plus youll
discover how to create highly converting Webinar
Presentation AND how to use cutting
edge technology to set it all up in a snap and
for very little money or if you choose so, for
FREE. This is an exclusive training sharing
EVERYTHING that is working for Mario when it
comes to using Facebook Ads with Automated
Webinars to generate amazing revenue, sales and
10Final verdict - Your Turn! Do not take my words
for it, check out other's before making a
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