Title: Logo design
1Logo Designing Company
2A logo is a mark or symbol which is mainly used
for advertisement of enterprises,organizations or
an individual to promote them publically.
3Principles of Logo Designing Company
4Balance is an importnat component in designing a
logo. Every logo designing company should have
this feature so that it is equally balanced
horizontally and vertically.
5Rhythm creates a sense of movement and patterns
which follow repetition of some elements.This can
vary depending upon the type of company or
6Proportion is the measurement relationship
between two or more objects which can be
increasing or decreasing.
7It is the interaction between parts of that image
and whole image.Different logo's of different
companies represent meaning of unity from their
8Your logo should be attractive and unique in its
design so that it can be an entry in making your
company a BRAND.
9Colours,patterns and designs should be choosen
correctly to create a good impact over viewers or
simply it can be said that look is what matters
the most in logo designing.
10For more details, Visit here http//brandboyz.co