Title: 3 Tips to Combat Jet Lag
13 Tips to Combat Jet Lag
2Jet lag is when you become fatigued due to
travel, particularly across times zones. It can
greatly affect your mood, experience and
productivity. Jet lag is a blight that even the
savviest, most frequent flier can suffer from.
With a few tips and tricks, you can ensure that
you combat jet lag and have an enjoyable
experience for the rest of your trip.
3- Light greatly affects your body and circadian
rhythms. Through regulating light exposure, you
allow your body to adjust to changing time. If
traveling eastward, you dont want to have light
exposure till later in the morning. Therefore,
you can stay in dark rooms or shield your eyes
with sunglasses. When traveling westward, expose
yourself to light in the evening.
4- Fly an executive jet charter. With an executive
jet charter, youll have a comfortable flight
where you can get rest and control the
environment. Instead of having to be compacted
on a commercial flight with other peoples
sicknesses and limited room, fly on an executive
jet charter.
5- Eat on the local times feeding schedule. Since
flying can be dehydrating, ensure that you not
only have water, but electrolytes available to
6Combat jet lag with an executive jet charter.
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JetOptions Private Jets 15455 Dallas Parkway 6th
Floor Addison, Texas, 75001 972-764-3563