Title: Staps to Design A New Playgraound
1Steps to Design A New Playground
2Design and Consultation
Right from the moment you join us to make a
playground, you get the advantage of 23 years of
experience. The skilled designers have ample
ideas and the products to design the best
playable space.
Once you finalise your play equipment, it is sent
for fabrication. It fits to the quality, strength
and safety standards. The qualified team works
together with the in-house designers and the
engineers for appropriate results.
4CNC Machining
Some parts are designed and produced, using HDPE
material. CNC machining and other high-tech
machinery usage give a rise to the quality of the
5Plastic Moulding
Rotational moulding plastic facilities, offer the
guaranteed quality of the manufactured product.
Many Pre-assembled playground kits are delivered
by the professional playground team in our own
factory. Pre-assembly actually gives a great
finish to your complex procedure of making
Qualified installation crew installs the system
8Soft-fall Surfacing
If there is some soft-fall surface to be
installed in your playground design, our team
takes the initiative to confirm first and install
it with your choice.
9Time to play!
And it is finally there! A playground to play and
use for a long term.
10Contact Us
Moduplay Commercial System
Address 17-19 Waverley Drive
2526, Unanderra NSW
AustraliaPhone 02 4272 1644Email