Title: Dynamic IVR Solutions For Booking Flight System
1 Dynamic IVR Solutions For Booking Flight System
2 IVR Flight Booking System
An Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)
developed for Flight booking System to General
information like distance, journey time
3 Airport Announcement System
Airport Announcement system (AAS) specially
designed for Airport, It contains arrival
messages, departure messages and special messages
4 Ticket Status Enquiry
This is an Automated Speech Recognition based IVR
system, The passenger is requested to say the
reservation number on the ticket
5 Flight Arrival / Departure Information
The Flight Arrival / Departure Information System
allows easy access to flight arrival / departure
6 Secure IVR System
IVR will offer more security if registered member
is mapped with his phone number for flight
booking system
7 Created by Asteriskservice.com