Title: American Made Vape Mods
1 Welcome To Wholesale Vaping Supply
2About us
Advanced User Warning Mechanical Mods and
Rebuildable Atomizers are for advanced users
only. Not for beginner or average vapers with no
knowledge of Ohms Law or how to use a multimeter
or ohmmeter to check for the resistance or for
shorts in their coil builds. These materials
cannot be safely used by the inexperienced user
or those without basic knowledge of how
electronics function. Please ensure proper
precautions are taken when using these devices as
to not cause damage and/or harm to the battery,
mechanical mod, atomizer or yourself and others.
Vapor Parrot will not be held liable or
responsible for any damage caused by misuse or
mishandling of these advanced vaping products and
devices. Mechanical Mods and Rebuildable
Atomizers are advanced user products. Use at your
own risk. Wholesale Vapor Liquid Stocks Only
The Best Vape Eliquids, Vape Mods Devices And
Vaping Accessories. We Sell Large Bottles To
Keep You Supplied At The Best Prices!
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Wholesale Vaping Supply
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-https//twitter.com/wholesalevaporl Website
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