Title: The Best Ways to Say: I'm Sorry
1The Best Ways to Say I'm Sorry
2Research shows successful Relationships know how
to offer real apologies. Here are five
characteristics of what a genuine, meaningful
apology looks and sounds like
- Show accountability
- Validate your partners feelings
- Express your feelings
- Offer Reassurance
- Offer up a repair or amends
3Show Accountability
- The offending person accepts full responsibility
for actions or words without blaming others or
circumstances, nor making excuses. Words like I
didnt mean to and It wasnt my intention are
ways of letting yourself off the hook and
remaining innocent in your own eyes
4Validate your Partners Feelings
- Never tell your partner that his or her
perspective is wrong and could not possibly be
true because it contradicts your own point of
view. This discredits your apology
5Express your Feelings
Tell your partner that it matters to you that you
hurt him or her. How does witnessing your
spouses pain make you feel right now? Sad,
disappointed, guilty, scared, regretful?.....
6Offer Reassurance
- Tell your husband, wife or partner how its going
to be different in the future. What will
change?When you apologize, your partner is
wondering, If I forgive you, will you just take
that as permission to hurt me again in the same
way tomorrow? .
7Offer up a repair or amends
- Actively show you are willing to expend your time
and energy to make things better for your spouse.
If you dont know how, ask your partner What
can I do to make things better?..
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