Title: PSYCH 525 Something Great /uophelp.com
1PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
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- PSYCH 525 Entire Course
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- PSYCH 525 Week 1 Individual Assignment History of
Psychological Assessment Paper - PSYCH 525 Week 1 DQ 1
- PSYCH 525 Week 1 DQ 2
- PSYCH 525 Week 2 Team Assignment Dr. Zak Case
Study - PSYCH 525 Week 2 DQ 1
- PSYCH 525 Week 2 DQ 2
3PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 1 DQ 1
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- Please post a 200-300 word response by Thursday
night at 1159 pm.What are the some of the
positive and negative effects of the use of
assessment in the workplace and/or in schools?
4PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 1 DQ 2
- For more course tutorials visit
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- Think of an assessment you have been
administered. It could be at school, in the
military, in a counseling setting, or in any
other setting. What was your experience as a test
taker? Looking at the section titled "The
testtaker" on page 18 of the text, which
variables influenced your performance on the test
or assessment? How was it influenced?
5PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 1 Individual Assignment History of
Psychological Assessment Paper - For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- Select a significant event in the development of
psychological testing, examples might be the
Chinese use of essay exams for civil service
selection, the use of alpha and beta testing in
World War I, Wundts laboratory, or the
development of the Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory (MMPI).
6PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 2 DQ 1
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- Can an unreliable test be valid? Why or why not?
What might cause a test to be unreliable? What
experiences have you had with unreliable measures?
7PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 2 DQ 2
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- What are some examples of possible test bias? How
can test bias negatively affect test results?
8PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 2 Team Assignment Dr. Zak Case
Study - For more course tutorials visit
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- Complete the University Material, Dr. Zak Case
Study, located on the student website.
9PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 3 DQ 1
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- Please post a 200-300 word response by Thursday
night at 1159 pm.There is a great debate
related to the qualifications for administering
and using assessments in psychology. The American
Psychological Association (APA) has published
several articles related to the appropriate use
of assessment results as has the American
Counseling Association (ACA).
10PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 3 DQ 2
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- Why is it important to consider context when
interpreting assessment results? What types of
questions might provide you with appropriate
context based upon the assessments you might
11PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 3 Individual Assignment Validity
and Reliability Matrix - For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- Complete the University of Phoenix Material
Validity and Reliability Matrix located on the
student website
12PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 3 Team Assignment Ethics in
Assessment Presentation - For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- Read the American Psychological Association (APA)
Code of Ethics as it relates to testing. It is
located at http//www.apa.org/ethics/code2002.html
- Select a legal case from the list in Table 2-1
in Ch. 2 of the text or another case related to
psychological assessment.
13PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 4 DQ 1
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- A great deal has been written about intelligence
and many societies place significant credence on
being intelligent. What is intelligence? Can it
be measured? Why or why not? How does the
American culture influence what is deemed as
intelligent? How might different cultures modify
the definition?
14PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 4 DQ 2
- For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- While there might be many reasons people will
lambaste intelligence and achievement tests there
can be value in the results. Why might
intelligence and achievement assessments be
valuable in an employment or educational setting?
What might be done to improve the utility of the
15PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 4 Individual Assignment Construct
Development, Scale Creation, and Process Analysis
Assignment - For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- Part I Construct Development and Scale
CreationChoose a construct you would like to
measure. - Create an operational definition of your
construct using at least three peer-reviewed
journal articles as references. - Select and list five items used to sample the
16PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 5 DQ 1
- For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- How are the results of a personality assessment
used by the courts, employers, therapists, and
the educational system? What are the ethical
implications for each of these uses?
17PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 5 DQ 2
- For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- Thinking of personality assessment and culture,
what must the users of personality assessment
results take into account regarding the culture
of the tested individual? Why would the empirical
validation of any personality assessment be
important regardless of culture? How would you
design research on personality assessments that
took into account cultural differences?
18PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 5 Individual Assignment
Intelligence Definition and Measurement Paper - For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- Access the Mental Measurements Yearbook located
in the University Library. - Select two assessments of intelligence and two
achievement tests. - Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word analysis of your
selected instruments. In your analysis, address
the following
19PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 5 Individual Assignment
Personality Assessment Instrument or Inventory
Critique - For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- Select one psychological personality assessment
instrument or inventory to serve as the basis of
this assignment. - Explore the psychological literature to find
three to five articles that test the use of this
inventory or assessment on a specific population.
This population could be a particular disorder,
such as bulimia or obsessive-compulsive disorder,
or a demographic population.
20PSYCH 525 Something Great/Uophelp.Com
- PSYCH 525 Week 6 Final Team Presentation
Neuropsychological Battery - For more course tutorials visit
- Www.Uophelp.Com
- I will assign each team only one of the following
two presentations to complete for this
weekSelect a neuropsychological instrument and
prepare a 10- to 15-minute oral presentation,
accompanied by 7 to 10 Microsoft PowerPoint
slides, in which your Learning Team describes the
instrument and explains how it is used to assess
disability or neurological dysfunction.
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