Title: Luxembourg Private Investments
1Atlantic Capital
Atlantic Capital Ltd is a subsidiary of Atlantic
Financial Group. We offer investment services
including discretionary portfolio management,
advisory mandates and mandates to supervise and
manage the overall risk and costs across your
financial and non-financial assets. We have
developed sophisticated efficient investment
solutions and detailed consolidated asset
reporting, to meet the unique needs of each
David Diez de Artazcoz Chief Investment Oflcer
Atlantic Capital Email david.diezdeartazcoz_at_atl
antic-capital.eu Telephone 350 200 69 521
Our strict disciplined management framework is
designed to achieve stable returns across the
various economic cycles.
2Atlantic Business Solutions LUXEMBOURG,
The international regulatory environment
affecting our clients, their families and/or
their businesses is always changing. At Atlantic
Business Solutions we are specialised in
transnational asset structuring both for our
clients personal and professional assets.
Lionel Coupé Managing Director Atlantic
Business Solutions Email lionel.coupe_at_atlantic-b
usiness.com Telephone 352 274 479 22
We help high net worth families plan their wealth
over generations. Legal coordination and
appropriate tax planning of their assets are
critical to safeguarding and passing on family
assets from one generation to the next.
3Grow Your Assets
Atlantic Financial Group is an international
wealth management company that provides services
for wealthy individuals and institutional
investors. Our clients value the
experience, expertise and network we offer to
manage their financial and non- financial assets
both locally and internationally.
Isabel Guggisberg Chief Executive Oflcer
Atlantic Financial Group Email
Telephone 350 200 69 520
Atlantic Financial Group offers decades of
experience in all aspects of international
wealth management. In a constantly changing
economic and regulatory environment, Atlantic
Financial Group aims to liberate our clients
most precious asset, Time.
4Atlantic Private Investments CANADA and
Main investment vehicle, which offers the
possibility to invest in all the described
investment baskets at the same time. We then look
after the asset allocation in the various
sub-funds presented below.
Diversified portfolio, which holds commercial
real estate primarily in Europe and North
America, both via direct investments and through
specialised investment funds.
Diversified portfolio, which holds investments in
businesses and activities in the agriculture
sector (farms, wood, seeds, real estate for
storage etc.) that have a proven track record.
We mainly undertake direct investments, but at
times can choose to invest through specialised
investment funds. We mainly invest in Europe and
North America.
5Atlantic Fund Management LUXEMBOURG and
We provide strategy and investment advice for
managers of investment funds regulated to the
strictest standards. We also manage our own funds
which are registered in Luxembourg, the leading
European jurisdiction for establishing investment
funds. In that way, we incorporate sophisticated
risk management and investment strategies
designed to serve the interests of various of
our clients. These funds are invested in liquid
assets such as bonds, equities, commodities,
foreign currencies, investment funds (minimum
100 million, weekly liquidity, a proven track
record of over three years), structured
products and derivatives.
6Unit D, The Tower, Marina Bay, P.O. Box 1389,
350 200 69 514 350 200 69 532
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