Title: U Visa Immigration and Criminal Lawyers in Phoenix
1Immigration and Criminal Lawyers in Arizona
Presented By- http//cimalawgroup.com
2With immigration laws becoming tougher and
stricter, it has become vitally important to get
the best immigration lawyer Phoenix AZ that you
can find. While there are many different kinds of
immigration lawyers, a U visa immigration lawyer
is perhaps the most exclusive and the most
important for people who have gone through
certain unusual circumstances in their lives. The
best criminal law firms will also have lawyers
that specialize in immigration law, especially U
visa immigration laws, so it would be the best
place to look for immigration lawyers too.
Presented By- http//cimalawgroup.com
3A U visa immigration lawyer would help under the
following circumstances If the applicant was a
victim of any criminal activity and suffered a
lot of physical and mental abuse as a result of
this activity Should possess information that
is credible regarding this criminal activity
Has been previously helpful or is willing to help
the law enforcement officials to bring the
criminals to justice Should be a victim of a
qualifying criminal activity, such as blackmail,
murder, torture, witness tampering, etc. There
are more than 30 crimes listed as qualifying
criminal activities under the law. A qualified U
visa immigration lawyer in Phoenix would be able
to help with understanding these and taking the
appropriate decision as to which to apply for.
Presented By- http//cimalawgroup.com
4It is to be noted that the applicant for a U visa
need not be a direct victim, but can instead be a
child (under 21) or spouse of the victim. For
victims who are children under 21 years of age,
their parents or siblings are eligible to apply
for the U visa. There is a 10,000 visa cap on
this and people who are out of status or have
unlawfully entered the country can also apply.
This is a law that has been created on humane
grounds which can be best navigated with the help
of a good immigration lawyer Phoenix AZ.
Presented By- http//cimalawgroup.com
5Contact Us
- Organization Name - CIMA Law Group, PC
- Address - 2601 N. 3rd Street, Suite 204, Phoenix,
AZ 85004 - Website - http//cimalawgroup.com
- Email cimainfo_at_cimalawgroup.com
- Phone (623) 377-4191
- Fax (866) 391-7533