Title: CIS 337 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
1CIS 337 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
2(No Transcript)
3CIS 337 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
CIS 337 Week 2 Assignment 1 TCP / IP Lab
Worksheet Â
Assignment 1 TCP / IP Lab Worksheet Due Week 2
and worth 25 points Download the lab worksheet
on binary math and IP addressing, located in the
online course shell. Complete the lab worksheet
according to the worksheet instructions. Attach /
Submit the lab works. Â
4CIS 337 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
CIS 337 Week 4 Assignment 2 Network Upgrade Â
Assignment 2 Network Upgrade Due Week 4 and
worth 100 points Imagine that you are the
administrator for a small accounting company,
which currently employees 200 people. The CEO
announces a merger that would double the number
employees to 400. Your current network design is
as follows 200 host machines running Windows 8
with 10/100 auto sensing NIC 9 Cisco Catalyst
2960 Switches (100 Mb) 1 Cisco Router
5CIS 337 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
CIS 337 Week 4 Assignment 2 Network Upgrade Â
Assignment 2 Network Upgrade Due Week 4 and
worth 100 points Imagine that you are the
administrator for a small accounting company,
which currently employees 200 people. The CEO
announces a merger that would double the number
employees to 400.
6CIS 337 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
CIS 337 Week 10 Assignment 3 Network
Reconfiguration Â
Assignment 3 Network Reconfiguration Due Week 10
and worth 100 points Suppose the image below is
your companys network diagram after a merger and
you have recently added access controls to your
network. The CSO would like to Change the
internal network address to incorporate variable
length subnet mask (VLSM) with EIGRP routing
7(No Transcript)
8CIS 337 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com