Title: Power of Hydropower in Australia: Ken Research
1Power of Hydropower in Australia Ken Research
2Ken research announced recent publication on,
"Hydropower in Australia, Market Outlook to 2030,
Update 2016-Capacity, Generation, Levelized Cost
of Energy (LCOE), Investment Trends, Regulations
and Company Profiles, the industry analysis
specialists that offer comprehensive information
and understanding of the hydropower market in
Australia. The report provides in depth analysis
on global renewable power market and global
hydropower market with forecasts up to 2030.
3- The report analyses the power market scenario in
Australia (includes conventional thermal,
nuclear, large hydro and renewable energy
sources) and provides comprehensive viewpoint.
The research details renewable power market
outlook in the country (includes hydro, small
hydro, biopower and solar PV). The report
highlights installed capacity and power
generation trends from 2006 to 2030, time. A
detailed coverage of renewable energy policy
framework governing the market with specific
policies pertaining to hydropower is provided in
the report. The research also provides company
snapshots of some of the major market
participants. - The report is built using data and information
sourced from proprietary databases, secondary
research and in-house analysis of industry
experts. A brief introduction on global carbon
emissions and global primary energy consumption
is given. Detailed overview of the global
hydropower market with installed capacity and
generation trends, installed capacity split by
major hydropower countries in 2015 and key
owners' information of various regions is
4An overview on global renewable power market,
highlighting installed capacity trends,
generation trends and installed capacity split by
various renewable power sources and the
information is covered for the historical period
2006-2015 and forecast period 2015-2030. Position
yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the
industry's growth potential. It can be used to
develop strategies based on the latest regulatory
events and to identify key partners and business
development avenues. Its the key solution to
understand and respond to your competitors'
business structure, strategy and
prospects. Hydro uses flowing water to spin a
turbine connected to a generator that produces
electricity. The amount of electricity generated
depends on the volume of water and the height of
the water above the turbine. Hydropower is the
most advanced and mature renewable energy
technology and provides some level of electricity
generation in more than 160 countries worldwide.
Hydro is a renewable energy source and has the
advantages of low greenhouse gas emissions, low
operating costs, and a high ramp rate (quick
response to electricity demand), enabling it to
be used for either base or peak load electricity
generation, or both.
5Loy Yang in Victoria is the largest Power Station
in Australia by capacity. Large hydroelectric
power stations need dams to store the water
required to produce electricity. These dams are
often built to hold irrigation or drinking water,
and the power station is included in the project
to ensure maximum value is extracted from the
water. Renewable power sources include wind (both
onshore and offshore), solar photovoltaic (PV),
concentrated solar power (CSP), small hydropower
(SHP), biomass, biogas and geothermal. Hydropower
currently accounts for about 40 per cent of the
renewable electricity produced in Australia.
Tasmania's hydroelectric plants and the Snowy
River Hydro Scheme in New South Wales generate
the majority of this energy. Australia is the
driest inhabited continent on earth, with over 80
per cent of its landmass receiving an annual
average rainfall of less than 600 mm per year and
50 per cent less than 300 mm per year. There is
also high variability in rainfall, evaporation
rates and temperatures between years, resulting
in Australia having very limited and variable
surface water resources.
6- Much of Australia's economically feasible hydro
energy resource has already been harnessed. The
amount of hydro power generated in 2015 was lower
than 2014 due to low rainfall in key hydro
catchments. Hydro Tasmanias network endured the
driest period on record between September and
November, and storages dropped to a quarter of
capacity (25.7 per cent). The majority of
Australia's suitable hydro sites have already
been developed, so the sector's opportunity for
growth is limited. In coming years, most of the
activity in the sector will be in developing mini
hydro power plants or upgrading and refurbishing
existing power stations. - Australia has more than 100 operating
hydroelectric power stations with total installed
capacity of about 7800 megawatts (MW). These are
located in the areas of highest rainfall and
elevation and are mostly in New South Wales (55
per cent) and Tasmania (29 per cent). The Snowy
Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme, with a capacity
of 3800MW, is Australia's largest hydro scheme
and is one of the most complex integrated water
and hydroelectricity schemes in the world. The
Scheme collects and stores the water that would
normally flow east to the coast and diverts it
through trans-mountain tunnels and power
7The water is then released into the Murray and
Murrumbidgee Rivers for irrigation. The Snowy
Mountains Scheme comprises sixteen major dams,
seven power stations (two of which are
underground), a pumping station, 145km of
inter-connected trans-mountain tunnels and 80km
of aqueducts. The Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric
Scheme accounts for around half of Australia's
total hydroelectricity generation capacity and
provides base load and peak load power to the
eastern mainland grid of Australia. Hydro energy
is particularly important in Tasmania where it
provides much of the state's electricity. The
Tasmanian integrated hydropower scheme harnesses
hydro energy from six major water catchments and
involves 50 major dams, numerous lakes and 29
power stations with a total capacity of over
2600MW. The scheme provides base and peak load
power to the National Electricity Market, firstly
to Tasmania and then to the Australian network
through Basslink, the undersea interconnector
which runs under Bass Strait. There are also
hydroelectricity schemes in north-east Victoria,
Queensland, Western Australia, and a
mini-hydroelectricity project in South Australia.
8The levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) is a
measure of a power source which attempts to
compare different methods of electricity
generation on a consistent basis. It is an
economic assessment of the average total cost to
build and operate a power-generating asset over
its lifetime divided by the total energy output
of the asset over that lifetime. Shrinking
rivers have already reduced or even shut down
power generation in existing dams when their
reservoirs dropped below critical levels. As a
result, drought-stricken countries like Kenya,
the Philippines, and Venezuela have suffered
periodic blackouts and electricity rationing in
recent years. The Australian hydro power industry
has already attracted over one billion dollars of
investment to further develop Australian hydro
power projects. Opportunities for further growth
in the hydro power industry are principally in
developing mini hydro plants or refurbishing,
upgrading and modernising Australias current
fleet Companies Covered Snowy Hydro Limited,
Origin Energy Limited, CS Energy Ltd, AGL Energy
9Key Factors Considered in the Report Australia
Hydropower Market Hydropower Market Future
Outlook Australia Hydropower Generation Capacity
Australia Australia Energy Consumption Global
Renewable Power Installations Thermal Power
Market Australia Global Carbon Emission Australia
Hydropower Market Investment Trends Australia
Renewable Energy Regulations Australia Renewable
Energy Installed Capacity For more coverage
click on the link below https//www.kenresearch
10Related links https//www.kenresearch.com/energy
-strategic/13924-103.html https//www.kenresearch
cher-technologies-llc-strategic/13944-103.html Co
ntact UsKen ResearchAnkur Gupta, Head
Marketing CommunicationsAnkur_at_kenresearch.com
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