Title: Garage Storage Solutions in Dallas
1Garage Storage Solutions in Dallas
2The Monkey Bars Garage Storage System is an
extremely versatile garage organization system.
It is much more than a shelf, and allows you to
utilize the entire garage wall and get all of
your items up off the floor with its patented Bar
Hook System.
Separate Your Storage By design the Monkey Bars
Garage Storage System separates your items into
two categories Long Term the items you store on
the shelf and use less frequently, and Short
Term, the items you hang on the bars that you use
on a regular basis and need easy access to.
3Accessibility Having you items stored in an
accessible manner makes your life simpler. We can
eliminate the need for costly out of the home
storage, saving you time and money. Built To Fit
Your Garage Every Monkey Bars Garage Storage
System is built on-site for your specific garage
and needs. It is not a one-size-fits-all garage
organizer, but a complete garage storage solution
at an affordable price.
In-Cabinet System Monkey Bars offers an
optional in-cabinet storage rack for the
efficient storage of items not suitable to be
placed on a shelf in a garage cabinet system.
4Garage Storage Solution Products
Services Garage ShelvingGarage FlooringGarage
Overhead Storage Garage Cabinets Professional
Garage Storage Solutions across the Dallas/Fort
Worth Metroplex If you are looking for garage
storage solutions in the DFW Metroplex you've
come to the right place. We provide our garage
shelving, garage flooring, garage cabinets and
garage overhead ceiling racks to cities across
the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
5Call UsDallas 214-230-2294Fort
Worth817-600-2294Contact Us1540 Keller
Parkway Suite 108 255,Keller, TX 76248Visit
us www.garaginization.com