Title: BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
1BIS 345
BIS 345 Slingshot Academy
2BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Quiz 1
1. (TCO 2) Use the ____ data type for columns
that contain letters and special characters and
for columns containing numbers that will not be
used in calculations 2. (TCO 2) Which of the
following functions would you use to extract
characters from the middle of a string. 3. (TCO
2) Which date function will return the difference
between two dates in the specified units?
3BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Quiz 2
1. (TCO 5) Which of the following is not an SSRS
tool 2. (TCO 5) Reports created using report
designer or report builder are generated in which
of the following reporting languages. 3. (TCO
5) Which of the following tools is built on the
Visual Studio 2008 shell
4BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Quiz 3
1. (TCO 6) Which of the following is not a type
of data source in SSRS 2. (TCO 6) Which of the
data source credential options is the least
recommended because of security risks 3. (TCO
5) All of the following are types of query for a
data set except ________.
5BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 1 iLab
Student Name Name Using Lab 1, answer the
questions and provide copies of your SQL
Statements and/or results for each Section listed
below Part A Customer List (4 points) a.What
does the ORDER BY clause do? b.Screen print your
results and paste here Part B Customer List
with only customers In France or Germany (4
6BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 2 iLab
Lab 2 Student Answer Sheet Lab 2, answer the
questions and provide copies of your SQL
Statements and/or results for each Section listed
below Part A Employee List (4 points) a.What
does Left function do? Is selecting the query and
coping and could be pasted in a new query if is
need it. b.Screen print your results and paste
7BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 3 iLab
Student Name Using Lab 3, answer the questions
and provide copies of your SQL Statements and/or
results for each Section listed below Part A Join
two tables (4 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement
here Part B Join two tables and apply WHERE
clause (4 points)
8BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 4 iLab
Using Lab 4 provide copies of your SQL Statements
and/or results for each Section listed below Part
A Supplier and product list (10 points) a.Paste
your SQL Statement here b.Screen print your
results and paste here Part B Order
information (10 points) a.Paste your SQL
Statement here b.Screen print your results and
paste here
9BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 5 iLab
Using Lab 5, provide copies of your SQL
Statements, results and reports for each Section
listed below Part A Product and Category dataset
(7 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here Part
B Product and Category report (10
points) a.Paste your report here rough draft of
report at step 11 before error Part C Sales and
Territory dataset (10 points)
10BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 6 iLab
Using Lab 6, provide copies of your SQL
Statements, results, reports and interpretation
as listed below Part A Cost adjustment dataset
(7 points) a.Paste your SQL Statement here Part
B Cost adjustment report (10 points) Part C
Cost adjustment chart (10 points) Part D Report
and Chart Interpretation (10 points)
11BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 7 iLab 7
BIS 345 Week 7 iLab 7
12BIS 345 Slingshot Academy / snaptutorial.com
BIS 345 Week 7 iLab
Using Lab 7, provide copies of your SQL
statements, query results and reports as
specified in each section listed below. Part A
Territory Sales Dataset (5 points) a.Paste your
SQL Statement here
13BIS 345
BIS 345 Slingshot Academy
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