Title: What is An Endoscopic Breast Augmentation?
1What is An Endoscopic Breast Augmentation?
2- There are numerous kinds of breast augmentations
you can get, so its important to get a procedure
that is tailored to you, your body and your
needs. - An endoscopic breast augmentation uses an
endoscope, or an instrument that is fed into the
body, through small incisions thats used to view
the internal structure.
3- Using endoscopic breast augmentation technology,
a plastic surgeon is able to place the implants
inside the chest wall of the patient. Theres
less scarring than with other procedures, the
scars can be virtually indiscernible, especially
if located inside the navel or underarms. - An endoscopic breast augmentation is usually
easier than other methods of breast augmentation.
The pocket that holds the implant is easily
entered, dissected using the endoscope, and
4- An endoscopic breast augmentation is not more
painful than other methods. Pain levels will vary
for every patient, but shouldnt last beyond a
few days and is aided with medication. Pain is
usually associated with the procedure in which
the implant is placed beneath the muscle.
5 Ask your doctor about endoscopic breast
augmentation technology. Visit Wave Plastic
Surgery Aesthetic Laser Center at
e-treatment/ or call (213) 383-4800.
Wave Plastic Surgery 3680 Wilshire Blvd. 2nd
FL. Los Angeles, CA, 90010 (213) 383-4800