Title: Do B2B Buyers need Level 2 PunchOut Functionality?
1VARStreet Inc.
Do B2B Buyers need Level 2 PunchOut
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2As a B2B buyer, you have already started using
PunchOut provided by your supplier, which has
simplified and streamlined your purchasing order.
However, you are wondering whether it is
necessary to use level 2 (L2) PunchOut. Well,
it all depends on your business process and how
frequently you are using PunchOut catalog. More
importantly, are you accessing more than one
or multiple PunchOut catalogs. This situation
will arise when you are doing business with
multiple suppliers. Say, when you want to buy HP
Pavilion Laptop, it becomes mandatory for you to
open each PunchOut link and then browse through
the catalog to locate the product. However, if
you want to eliminate this time-taking process,
and are looking for a feature that takes you to
the right catalog, go for a level 2 PunchOut.
3Level 2 SciQuest PunchOut comes with enhanced
search capabilities that allows you to find the
product from the procurement system itself. You
dont have to click any PunchOut link and
navigate through the different catalogs in order
to access the product. Now the search feature of
procurement system can be used to search the
desired product across all suppliers. So any
specific content, be it product
name/category/sub-category can be accessed
directly through procurement search screen. Even
if you enter just the SKU in the search box, you
will be taken directly to the product. Thus for
faster product search, it is advised to use level
2 PunchOut. It is observed that occasional
users tend to prefer level 1 SAP PunchOut, while
the frequent users who cannot afford to lose time
in finding the right product, go for the level 2
PunchOut that makes it easier to search items.
No wonder, this functionality has shown to
improve sales. On the whole, if you are dealing
with just one supplier and carry out transactions
occasionally, go for level 1 PunchOut catalog.