Title: How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
1 How to Become A Successful Entrepreneur?
2What is a Entrepreneur?
- People who own, operate, and take the risk of
a business venture. - Entrepreneurship is the process of running a
business to ones own. - Entrepreneurship try to identify the needs of
the marketplace and to meet those needs by
supplying a services or product - Entrepreneurs assume risk.
3Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are willing to work until a job
done, no matter how log time it takes.
4Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs continually look for new ways to
solve old problem
5 Entrepreneurs do not pass the
buck. They take responsibility for their
decisions and actions
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
Decisions Actions
6 Entrepreneurs want to know as
much as possible about anything that might affect
their ventures. They conduct research and ask
questions to solve problems.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
7 Entrepreneurs decide where they want to
go and then set out to get there.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
8 Entrepreneurs want to set their own
agendas and schedules. They want to make their
own decisions.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
9 Entrepreneurs have high expectations of
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
10 Entrepreneurs believe in
themselves and act accordingly
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
11 Entrepreneurs like to take risks,
but they are not reckless. They seek
opportunities that offer both a challenge and a
reasonable chance of success.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
12 Once entrepreneurs achieve their goals,
they begin looking for new challenges.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
13 Entrepreneurs are doers as opposed to
spectators. They make decisions and act on them.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
14 Entrepreneurs are energetic and
passionate about their pursuits
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
15- Position yourself as a leader.
- Deliver (When/ Where/ How) value not
just quick profit. - Seek new ideas especially beyond your filed.
- Build long term Relationships.
- Inspire you team.
- Know what your clients really want.
- Look for results not reasons.
7 Point to Become a Successful Entrepreneurs
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