Title: ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
1ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
Education is everything - education is your
power, education is your way in life for whatever
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2ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Entire Course
ETH 321 Week 1 Individual Assignment Role and Func
tions of Law Paper ETH 321 Week 1 Knowledge Check
ETH 321 Week 2 Team Assignment ADR Clause for Lear
ning Team Charter Paper ETH 321 Week 2 Individual
Assignment Ethical Dilemma Paper ETH 321 Week 2 kn
owledge Check ETH 321 Week 3 Individual Assignment
BUGusa, Inc. Case Scenario ETH 321 Week 3 knowled
ge Check ETH 321 Week 3 Team Assignment Corporate
Executive Criminal Conviction Paper ETH 321 Week 4
Individual Assignment Elements of a Contract Pape
r ETH 321 Week 4 Team Assignment Business Entities
, Laws, and Regulations Paper
3ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Final Exam Guide (New)
Civil enforcement powers regarding federal antitru
st matters belong to _______.
the Treasury Department the Department of Re
venue and Taxation the FTC and the Department
of Justice the Department of Labor Which of
the following is true of tort law?
4ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Final Exam Guide
1- Applying the parole evidence rule
a written contract is the final expression of the
party's agreement and may not be contradicted by
oral or written agreements made prior to the writi
ng. oral agreements may be used to change a fin
al written contract if the final written contract
isn't exactly conforming to the pre-contract agree
ments. written contracts with ambiguous terms a
re automatically void and cannot be corrected.
written agreements may be used to change a final
written contract if the final written contract isn
't exactly conforming to the pre-contract agreemen
5ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 1 Individual Assignment Role and
Functions of Law Paper
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you disc
uss the roles of law and courts in today's busines
s environment. Differentiate the federal court s
tructure with your state's court structure. Disc
uss the concept of judicial review. Explain how
laws or regulations affect your present job or ind
ustry. Properly cite at least two references fro
m your reading. Cite your research and format you
r paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
6ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 1 Knowledge Check
1. What has been one of the focus areas of law in
the United States over the past few decades? 2. Id
entify the true statement about the role of law in
the United States. 3. Which of the following is o
ne of the purposes of law today? 4. Identify the t
rue statement about the American judiciary. 5. Wha
t is the function of an appellate court?
7ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethical
Dilemma Paper
Access Films on Demand covering ethical topics by
following these directions Click on University
Library. Click on View All Resources Alphabetica
lly. Click on Films on Demand. Open the drop-d
own menu under Collections and select Business and
Economics. Select Business Law located under Et
hics and Business Law Watch any video where an eth
ical decision has been made.
8ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 2 knowledge Check
1. Identify the true statement about a claim of de
famation. 2. Who among the following is given abso
lute privilege or immunity against defamation? 3.
Delta Inc. has filed a lawsuit against one of its
new franchisees for providing false information ab
out the amount of its profits it would give to Del
ta every month. Delta has also ascertained that th
e incorrect information caused pecuniary damages t
o Delta as well as damages to its reputation. What
type of business tort is illustrated in the scena
9ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 2 Team Assignment ADR Clause for
Learning Team Charter Paper
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you do
the following Outline the various forms of an
alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Develop an
ADR clause that might be used by a Learning Team
to resolve disagreements among members using one o
f the forms you discussed. This has to be an actua
l written clause. Identify all provisions and in
formation necessary to enable the ADR to occur and
function effectively. The clause must be suitable
for use by any Learning Team in any course of you
r program.
10ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 3 Individual Assignment BUGusa, Inc.
Case Scenario
Resources Case Scenarios Bugusa, Inc. multimedia
link and Bugusa, Inc. Worksheet Use the BUGusa,
Inc. scenarios and your research to support your
answers to the questions listed in the worksheet,
classifying the types of torts in each scenario.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your ass
11ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 3 knowledge Check
1. In which case is an offer irrevocable? 2. What
does the mailbox rule, in the context of common la
w contracts, state? 3. Which of the following meet
s the consideration requirement of contracts? 4. W
hen does fraudulent misrepresentation occur in the
context of contracts? 5. Mr. Sanchez is a 70-year
-old man with Parkinsons disease. Jennifer, a ful
l-time nurse, has been taking care of him for over
four years.
12ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 3 Team Assignment Corporate
Executive Criminal Conviction Paper
Find an article in which a corporate executive was
criminally prosecuted. Write a 350- to 700-word
paper detailing the unethical conduct, the crime
committed, and the outcome of the case. Format y
our paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click
the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
13ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 4 Individual Assignment Elements of
a Contract Paper
Resource Elements of a Contract Scenario Read
the Elements of a Contract Scenario. Write a 35
0- to 700-word paper answering the questions at th
e end of the scenario. Format your paper consist
ent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Fi
les tab to submit your assignment.
14ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 4 knowledge Check
1. Identify the true statement about administrativ
e agencies. 2. Which of these demonstrates the adj
udication function of administrative agencies? 3.
What is true about the activities of administrativ
e agencies? 4. Identify the true statement about t
he rulemaking process followed by administrative a
gencies. 5. What is true about the powers of admin
istrative agencies?
15ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 4 Team Assignment Business Entities,
Laws, and Regulations Paper
Select two of the business scenarios below. Writ
e a 350- to 700-word paper discussing the business
entity that represents the best choice for busine
sses you chose. Be sure to consider control, taxat
ion, and liability issues. Restaurant or bar Lo
u and Jose plan to open a sports bar and restauran
t where customers socialize and watch sporting eve
nts on large-screen televisions that hang around t
he bar. They do not have much money, but they do h
ave Miriam, a wealthy investor who does not have t
ime to participate in the business, but wants to p
rovide capital to start the business in return for
a percentage of ownership.
16ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 5 Knowledge Check
1. What is one of the challenges in business ethic
s? 2. What can help managers to overcome the chall
enge of teaching business ethics to employees? 3.
How can an organization faced with the challenges
of business ethics, overcome these challenges? 4.
Stephan is a proponent of the narrow view of corpo
rate social responsibility (CSR). He believes that
people should behave in a socially responsible ma
nner on their own time. What other opinion is Step
han likely to have?
17ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 5 Team Assignment Roles of State or
Federal Administrative Agencies Presentation
Simulation, not allowing download
Visit the website of any three state or federal
administrative agencies for example National
Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), Federal Communications
Commission (FCC), Social Security Administration
(SSA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), or Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).
18ETH 321 Help Bcome Exceptional / eth321outlet.com
Education is everything - education is your
power, education is your way in life for whatever
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