Title: 10 PR Commandments for Doctors
110 PR Commandments for Doctors
2A reporter may contact your medical practice
asking to interview you on a hot health care
topic or compelling patient story. While some
doctors are naturals in interviews, many will be
doing a print or broadcast interview for the
first time. Here are 10 tips to help make that
interview turn out great!
31. Know your facts Before your interview with a
reporter, compile a few bullets of specific
messages (talking points) that you want to convey
about a new procedure or piece of equipment.
2. Set yourself up as an expert When you see an
article that you know something about, email the
reporter and present your thoughts, adding that
you are always available for comment on similar
4 3. Be prepared to offer real patients to
reporters The news media need your knowledge,
but patients humanize a story so line them up in
advance. Youd be surprised at how many are
willing to talk to the press or be on TV.
4. Dont say something is 'off the record'
Unless you know the media person, there are no
guarantees that you will not be quoted. Never say
something you dont want to see in print or on
the air.
55. Dont ask a reporter to review his or her
story before it goes to print Writers do not
have to have your approval for an article they
write even if it includes your quotes. Some
magazines will have a fact checker call to make
sure your product information or quotes are
6. Actdont react If you get a call from a
reporter about an issue in your specialty, take a
breath, ask to call them back in five minutes and
then jot down your thoughts on paper.
67. Youre not holier than the press Be natural,
down to earth and friendly, not stern or
8. Be careful not to speak in jargon Make sure
that you talk about medical terms in plain
English. Most reporters do not have an M.D. after
their names.
79. If you are quoted in a story, send an email or
even a hand written note thanking the reporter
This goes a long way.
Be careful playing favorites with reporters If
you are involved in an important news story, its
best to distribute a press release or statement
to everyone. The exception is a major breaking
story where you might consider going to AP to get
the story out to everyone for you.
8Tellem Grody Public Relations, Inc 30745 Pacific
Coast Highway, Ste. 243 Malibu, CA USA Zip
90265 PH (310) 313-3444