Title: BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
1BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
2BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
www.bpa406mentor.com  BPA 406 Week 1 Public
Leadership Paper BPA 406 Week 2 Effective Traits
Paper BPA 406 Week 2 Leadership Versus Management
Paper BPA 406 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment
Leadership Versus Management Presentation
3BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 1 Public Leadership Paper FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.com  Write a
1,050- to 1,750-word paper defining public
leadership. In your paper, compare and contrast
leadership within the public and private
sectors. Format your paper consistent with APA
4BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 2 Effective Traits Paper FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.com  Resources
Electronic Reserve Readings, University Library,
Internet Locate two articles. One must describe
an effective public leader and the other must
describe an ineffective public leader. Write a
1,050- to 1,750-word paper that analyzes the
traits and styles of both leaders
5BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 2 Leadership Versus Management Paper
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.com  Wr
ite a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that includes
the following Analyze the differences between
leadership and management. Select an example of a
person you consider to be a leader and a person
you consider to be a manager. Examine the factors
that determine which person has which role.
6BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment
Leadership Versus Management Presentation FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.com  Using
the factors you identified for leadership, select
a past leadership event in the public sector that
has confronted a member of your team or an
organization with which you are familiar. Provide
an overview of the situation and why it is a
7BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 3 Environmental Influences Paper
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.com  Re
sources University Library, Internet, Leadership
Versus Management Paper from Week Two Evaluate
the leadership situation identified in the
Leadership Versus Management Paper. Write a 700-
to 1,050-word paper in which you describe the
leadership situation and
8BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 3 Sources of Power Paper FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.com  Write a
1,050- to 1,750-word paper that includes the
following -Analyze the sources of power in
public leadership. -Select a constituent group in
the public sector. Assess the group's sources and
uses of power.
9BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 4 Role of Conflict Paper FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.com  Evaluate
the leadership situation identified in the Week
Two Learning Team Assignment. Write a 700- to
1,050-word paper describing the leaders actions
in confronting the situation, and the effects of
these actions. Some factors you might want to
address include
10BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment
Principles and Practices of Public Leadership
www.bpa406mentor.com  Review your Leadership
Versus Management Paper and reflect on how your
viewpoints have changed because of this analysis.
Prepare an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation, with speakers notes, illustrating
your analysis of the leadership situation. Format
your paper and presentation consistent with APA
11BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 5 Persuasive Forms of Leadership
Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.bpa406mentor.co
m  Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that
includes the following -Evaluate the various
persuasive forms of leadership. -Describe the
various ways a leader might be persuasive and
facilitate change. -Select the two ways a leader
might be the most persuasive and effective, and
explain why. Provide examples to support your
12BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com
BPA 406 Week 5 Principles and Practices of Public
www.bpa406mentor.com  Resources Leadership
Versus Management Paper Write a 1,050- to
1,750-word paper that includes the
following Recommend potential decisions that
could be made to address the leadership
situation. Provide support for your
13BPA 406 MENTOR It's Your Life/bpa406mentor.com