Title: Fully Managed IT Services - Connecticut
1Fully Managed IT Services - Connecticut
Datahal, LLC was founded in 2001 with the mission
of providing enterprise class computing services
for homeowners and small to medium sized
2About Us
Datahal, LLC was founded in 2001 with the mission
of providing enterprise class computing services
for homeowners and small to medium sized
businesses. Its founders, Anthony D'Angelo and
Ruslan Gregor have over 50 years of combined IT
experience in enterprise class environments.
Their skills range from Windows 7/10/Server 2012
to Unix (Linux, Aix, Solaris, BSD) to switches,
routers, firewalls and security.
3Our Services
Our mission is to provide you with the complete
comprehensive support, training, guidance and
4Advantages of Datahal Fully managed IT Services
Consultant No need for benefits Hourly fee only
for work completed No financial
commitment Expertise in multiple IT solutions.
Fully Managed IT No need for benefits Quick
response - from 15 minutes remotely to 2 hours
on-site Expertise in multiple IT
solutions Flexible financial commitment - month
by month basis Flexible work schedule. Available
on off peak hours Supply hardware at dealer cost
when contracting work. Complete end-to-end IT
solutions Huge money savings over full time
employee with greater range of capability
Full Time Employee On-site Quick response 40
hour availability Thorough knowledge of company's
IT infrastructure
5Contact Us
Call us at (860) 489-6886
Come visit us atwww.datahal.com 250 Albany
Turnpike, Canton, CT 06019 Store(860)
693-4062 M-F 900 AM 500 PM
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