Title: COM 106 RANK Education is Power/com106rank.com
1COM 106 RANK Education is Power/com106rank.com
2COM 106 RANK Education is Power/com106rank.com
COM 106 Module 1 Assignment 3 Researching
www.com106rank.com Throughout the course of
your academic career, you will be asked to
conduct research to support the assertions you
make in papers, presentations, and projects.
Sometimes getting at the material you will need
is fairly straightforward, while other times the
research process forces you to get a little
creative in seeking out (and finding) the types
of source material that will be most useful to
you. This exercise will allow you to practice
conducting different types of searches.
3COM 106 RANK Education is power/com106rank.com
COM 106 Module 2 Assignment 2 Creating a Flyer
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.com106rank.com Be
fore beginning this assignment, you should
thoroughly review Windows Explorer, File
Management, Office Features, and Word Documents
from your course textbook, Go! All in one
Computer concepts and application. For this
assignment you will be creating a one-page flyer
in a Microsoft Word document. The flyer will
advertise the fitness activities for students at
a college. There are two categories of fitness
activities Fitness Services and Intramural
Sports. Please carefully read the paragraph below
to understand the fitness activities on and off
4COM 106 RANK Education is power/com106rank.com
COM 106 Module 3 Assignment 2 Expenses Worksheet
www.com106rank.com Part 1 The
Spreadsheet M3 Assignment 2 Expenses Worksheet
in Excel Begin by opening a new Microsoft Excel
file. (You may use the template found here.) Save
it as LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2
5COM 106 RANK Education is Power/com106rank.com
COM 106 Module 4 Assignment 2 Researching Social
www.com106rank.com We are all socially
connected. Some of us like to be so more than
others. Technology allows us to do this in a
variety of ways. In this assignment, you will
learn to use a new technology that helps you
become socially connected. This technology can
take the form of instant messaging or an online
network that gives you the opportunity to connect
with businesses and organizations to develop your
6COM 106 RANK Education is power/com106rank.com