Title: Ute Vehicle Body Accessories
1Ute Vehicle Body Accessories
2Tray Lockers
Tray top lockers are fully sealed, tapered
lockers available in sizes to fit various cabin
lengths and contours. These trays come in
galvanised/ powder coated finish and checker
plate aluminium.
3Underbody Tray Storage Lockers
These lockers are fully sealed with a tapered
front and a flush mount lock, available sizes to
suit different applications.
4Sliding Tray Drawers
These drawers are designed to fit between the
chassis runners under the tray floor for varied
vehicle bodies. Drawers are available in varying
lengths and finishes on the face plate.
5Roof Racks
Roof Racks are made from mild steel, powder
coated in gloss black finish. Roof Racks are
adaptable to our trays, service and Canopy bodies.
6Rubber Floor Mats
Rubber floor mats protect tray body floors from
scratches and prevent sliding of items. Air
circulation under the floor mat improves when
rubber feet are pressed into the matting mold.
7Tonneau Covers
These are specifically made to fit Steel and
Aluminium Tray bodies. Provide a soft felt
dropside protection and are waterproof rip
8Contact US
Tiger Trays Address 123 Hume Highway
Lansvale, NSW 2166 Austrlia ABN 94
078 942 426 Phone No. (02) 9725 6744 Fax No.
(02) 9725 6669 Email sales_at_accessorywor
ld.com.au Website www.tigertrays.com.au
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