Title: BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
1BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 1 Activity For
more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
Step 1 Your job is to read the Chapter 1
section "Case Study How to Make an Information
Strategy for a Radio Station" and complete the
following requirements. Step 2 At this point, you
should have a solid understanding of the BA
model. Your goal now is to write a one-page
(minimum) paper using 12-point font, double
spacing, and Times New Roman in order to describe
what you learned in this activity. Answer the
following questions.
3BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 1 Homework Assignment
For more course tutorials visit www.tutoria
lrank.com Essay Questions Answer the following
essay questions in your own words. 1.Describe the
role a business analyst has in the BIA
model. 2.Why is it important that the KPIs are
closely linked to the business objectives? 3.In
today's environment, what modifications, if any,
would you have to make to the BIA model for small
businesses (less than 100 employees)?
4BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 1-7 All Homework Assignment,
Activity For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BIAM 300
Week 1 Homework Assignment BIAM 300 Week 1
Activity BIAM 300 Week 2 Homework Assignment BIAM
300 Week 2 Activity BIAM 300 Week 3 Activity BIAM
300 Week 3 Homework Assignme
5BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 2 Activity For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What
did you learn from this exercise, and how is it
important to businesses? Which of the
following four BIA levels of the company should
you be using? Support your choice.
Describe the information sources and items that
the company should be using to support its
position. Why would these be important
information sources? .
6BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 2 Homework Assignment For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com 1.
Define strategy and describe how it is used
in an organization. 2. Discuss the methods
you might use to identify whether or not an
organization is using information as a strategic
asset. 1. Describe the three market
disciplines an organization might use to attain
market leadership. Describe the
7BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 3 Activity For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BIAM 300
Week 3 Activity 1. Identify what you
believe to be the two most important success
factors 2. For each success factor,
identify two KPIs and 3. Write a two-page
(minimum) paper using 12-point font, double
spacing, and Times New Roman to describe the two
most important success factors and KPIs. n
pictures, and the Internet influenced your view
of the world around
8BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 3 Homework Assignment For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com 1.
Describe the relationship between
objectives and critical success factors. 2.
Describe the difference between lead and lag
information and when each should be used. 3.
Describe the difference in approach of monitoring
a new business process versus an existing one.
9BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 4 Activity For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BIAM 300
Week 4 Activity Question 1 Determine
with the process owner whether the quantitative
analytical competencies or the data manager and
report developer competencies are required. Is
there is a correlation between how much of a
raise we give our employees and the risk of
employees leaving the company within one year? .
10BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 4 Homework Assignment For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com 1.
Which of the above questions and answers
are lead information and which are lag
information? 2. Which of the above questions
and answers belong to the information domain and
which belong to the knowledge domain? 3.
What are the pros and cons of using these
different methods?
11BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 5 Activity For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com In this
activity, you will discuss the differences
between a relational database and an OLAP cube.
12BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 5 Homework Assignment For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com An
swer the following essay questions in your own
words. 1. What are dimensions and how can
you use them? Provide examples. 2. What are
metrics and facts? Provide examples.
13BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 6 Activity For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BIAM 300
Week 6 Activity .
14BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 6 Homework Assignment For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Es
say Questions Answer the following essay
questions in your own words. 1.Describe the
difference between the following pairs and
provide examples for each. Internal and external
data sources Primary and secondary data
sources 2.Discuss how the dimensions of usability
and availability can be used to decide which
sources of information might be useful. Provide
examples to support your case. 3.Discuss the
steps an organization should take to ensure that
data quality is at an acceptable level. For each
step, provide examples of converting bad data to
15BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 7 Activity For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BIAM 300
Week 7 Activity 3.Discuss the steps an
organization should take to ensure that data
quality is at an acceptable level. For each step,
provide examples of converting bad data to good.
16BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BIAM 300 Week 7 Homework Assignment For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com 1.
Specify the organizational location
alternatives, including the advantages and
disadvantages of each. 2. Using both maturity
analysis and readiness analysis, assess how a
business analytics process can be related to
other business processes. 3. Describe in your own
words how business analytics is likely to be
different in the future.
17BIAM 300 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....