Title: Best High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in Chicago
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2Studio Three in Chicago brings a revolution in
boutique fitness through high intensity interval
training, cycling and yoga classes.
3Located on the lower level, our interval
training studio is designed to give you a group
fitness experience that will motivate and
4We help each of our clients take a systematic
approach to their exercise routine, from
functional warm-ups to explosive, loaded
patterns, to active rests and full recovery.
5Our interval training in Chicago is designed to
produce better results than many other methods of
exercise, especially those that lack structure.
6When you join a high intensity class you will
improve your overall level of fitness, increase
athletic performance, improve movement and raise
the metabolic rate, which helps your body burn
more calories faster.
7When you sign up for high intensity classes in
Chicago, you will have access to all the newest
equipment to help you reach a better level of
8Contact us 648 N Clark Street Chicago, IL
60654 Phone 312-944-3333 Email
info_at_studiothree.com Visit www.studiothree.com