POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com


For more course tutorials visit www.pol310.com POL 310 Week 1 DQ 1 Environmental Values & Policy POL 310 Week 1 DQ 2 Common Pool Resources – Privatization or Collective Action POL 310 Week 2 DQ 1 Climate Change POL 310 Week 2 DQ 2 Air Quality POL 310 Week 2 Assignment Air Quality and Climate Change as Integrated Policy POL 310 Week 3 DQ 1 Clean Water POL 310 Week 3 DQ 2 Energy – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com

POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
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POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Entire Course (Ash)
POL 310 Week 1 DQ 1 Environmental Values
Policy POL 310 Week 1 DQ 2 Common Pool Resources
Privatization or Collective Action POL 310 Week
2 DQ 1 Climate Change POL 310 Week 2 DQ 2 Air
Quality POL 310 Week 2 Assignment Air Quality and
Climate Change as Integrated Policy POL 310 Week
3 DQ 1 Clean Water POL 310 Week 3 DQ 2 Energy POL
310 Week 3 - Assignment Final Paper Draft POL 310
Week 4 DQ 1 Land Management Policies and Habitat
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 1 DQ 1 Environmental Values Policy
Environmental Values Policy. Identify an
environmental amenity from the following list a.
Clean air b. Earths climate c. Ocean health d.
Wilderness areas e. Endangered species f. Clean
drinking water g. Old growth forests
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 1 DQ 2 Common Pool Resources
Privatization or Collective Action (Ash)
Common Pool Resources Privatization or
Collective Action. Identify two common pool
resources from the list below, one that seems to
be best managed by privatization and another that
seems to be best managed through collective
action. a. International fisheries b. Aquifers c.
Forests d. Atmosphere e. Oil f. Herds of
elephants g. Ocean floor mineral deposits in
international waters
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 1 Quiz (Ash)
POL 310 Week 1 Quiz
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 2 Assignment Air Quality and Climate
Change as Integrated Policy (Ash)
Assignments 1. Due by Day 7. Air Quality and
Climate Change as Integrated Policy. Address each
of the following questions a. Should air quality
and climate change policies be developed through
an integrated approach? b. What are the benefits
of an integrative approach to air quality and
climate change? c. What are the political,
social, and scientific obstacles to realizing an
integrative approach to air quality and climate
change? d. What are the problems with maintaining
a compartmentalized or fragmented approach to
climate change and to air quality? e. Are
policies related to individual behaviors
effective in addressing changing climate? What
about air quality?
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 2 DQ 1 Climate Change (Ash)
Climate Change. Choose one of the following
scientific organizations and review the research
on climate change. Cite three specific facts that
you learn about climate change. Does this
information agree with what your local news
station or newspaper is saying? Why or why not?
Explain? To what degree do you believe that
individual activities say, choosing to walk to
work instead of driving can have a measurable
impact on a changing climate? Why? How do you
think that scientific, political, ethical,
social, and/or cultural perspectives have shaped
your beliefs on this matter? Use the following
required links National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Climate Change How Do We Know?
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 2 DQ 2 Air Quality (Ash)
Air Quality. Research and report (describe) what
efforts are in place to manage air quality in
your town and state. Remember to consider
emissions testing regulations, air quality index
use, and other components of air quality
management. Which institutions, laws and
regulations exist to manage air quality in your
town and state? These may be local, state, or
federal laws, regulations and institutions. Consid
er the things you do in your everyday life that
might contribute to air quality problems. How did
you first become aware that your activities might
contribute to air quality problems? Did you (or
have you) done anything to alter your activities,
so that your contribution to air quality problems
is minimized?
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 2 Quiz (Ash)
POL 310 Week 2 Quiz
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 3 - Assignment Final Paper Draft
Assignments 1. Due by Day 7. Final Paper Draft.
Review the Final Paper instructions in Week Five
of the online course or in the Components of
Course Evaluation section of this guide. Then,
visit the Writing Center, within the Learning
Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in
your online course. Review the Sample Outline.
Format your outline for the Final Paper according
to the Sample Outline. (NOTE In the Sample
Outline, it states that the thesis statement is
the last one to three sentences of the
introduction. However, the thesis statement must
be one sentence in length and the last sentence
of the introduction.)
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 3 DQ 1 Clean Water (Ash)
Clean Water. From a policy-making perspective,
compare the challenges associated with addressing
water quantity versus water quality issues. Which
is the more challenging problem to address by
policy process? Discuss the limitations of the
Clean Water Act in addressing both water quantity
and water quality. Besides the Clean Water Act,
which other policy mechanisms or regulatory
measures can be implemented to address water
quality and water quantity challenges? Do you
think that policymaking can legitimately differ
based upon social, cultural, or geographical
perspectives, or do you think that there is one
right way to approach environmental problems
through policy and regulation?
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 3 DQ 2 Energy (Ash)
Energy. Identify three different renewable energy
sources. Compare those sources from a policy and
regulatory perspective to determine which of
those sources will become the most significant
source for renewable energy in 50 years. Explain
why your choice will be the most significant
renewable energy source. How do specific demands
for energy (e.g., transportation, heating,
electricity) affect your choice? From a policy
and regulatory perspective, what do you think has
to happen in order to make your choice a reality
in 50 years?
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 3 Quiz (Ash)
POL 310 Week 3 Quiz
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 4 DQ 1 Land Management Policies and
Habitat (Ash)
Land Management Policies and Habitat. Consider
land management agencies, and their associated
statutes and policies in the USA. How do land
management agencies, and their associated
statutes and policies protect habitat, even if
habitat protection is not their primary concern?
Specifically compare the National Park Service,
the U.S. Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land
Management when answering this question. Your
initial post should be at least 250 words in
length. Support your claims with examples from
required material(s) and/or other scholarly
resources, and properly cite any references.
Respond to at least two of your classmates posts
by Day 7. Compare and contrast your classmates
response relating to land management agencies
roles in protecting habitat with your own. What
points did you classmates raise that you did not
consider? What points did you consider that are
not reflected in your classmates postings?
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 4 DQ 2 Biodiversity, Extinction, and
Making Choices in Policy (Ash)
Biodiversity, Extinction, and Making Choices in
Policy. Some people argue that since extinctions
have always taken place, they should be
considered a natural process and that the current
extinction rates are not a matter of concern.
Others point out that the preservation of
biodiversity is essential to the continuation of
life on Earth and that human actions have greatly
accelerated the extinction rate. Should the
policy process take into consideration all
competing positions even when those positions
would result in opposite policy outcomes when
creating policy? Why or why not? If positions
that resulted in opposite policy outcomes were
reflected in our laws and policies, would those
policies and laws be effective? Why or why not?
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 4 Quiz (Ash)
POL 310 Week 4 Quiz
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 5 DQ 1 Hazardous Waste and
International Environmental Policy (Ash)
Hazardous Waste and International Environmental
Policy. Consider the problem of the exportation
of hazardous waste, such as e-waste, from wealthy
countries to poor countries. How can domestic
policy address this issue, when domestic policy
applies to domestic issues, rather than being
capable of governing other lands? What are the
limitations of domestic policymaking as they
relate to global environmental problems, and in
particular, the problem of exporting hazardous
waste? What can individual people do to influence
policymaking in this context? Your initial post
should be at least 250 words in length. Support
your claims with examples from required
material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and
properly cite any references
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 5 Final Paper Policy Challenges
Presented by Environmental Problems (Ash)
Focus of the Final Paper Write a paper that
addresses each of the following Choose an
environmental problem that interests you from the
list below o Loss of biodiversity o Clean
water o Energy o Solid and hazardous waste o
Public land use (Please note that climate change
and air quality are not options for the Final
Paper because students will write a short paper
during Week Two which focuses on those policy
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
POL 310 Week 5 Quiz (Ash)
POL 310 Week 5 Quiz
POL 310 Help Bcome Exceptional / pol310.com
Education is all about igniting young minds and
enabling them to attain their fullest potential.
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