Title: Best Audiologist in Chicago
1Deal Your Hearing issue with Best Audiologist In
Chicago and Suburb
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
2Hearing Loss Statistics
- Over 36 Million people in the United States have
Hearing Loss Problem
- It is currently existing in all ages of people.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
3What happens during hearing test?
- If you are dealing with hearing loss, the very
first and most important step taken into
consideration is to have a hearing test conduct
by an Audiologist.
- The hearing specialist will decide what type of
hearing loss you have and which hearing aids
would be best suits to you.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
4But more important question is ...
- How to find the best audiologist?
- How to find the audiologist with great
- How to find the audiologist with happy clients
and courteous staff?
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
5The Most Prominent and Accurate answer is..
Founded in 1984 by Dr. Ronna Fisher, Au.D., the
Hearing Health Center has grown to become
Chicagoland's premier audiology practice.
Convenient, state of the art offices located in
Chicago, Naperville, Oak Brook, and Highland Park.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
6Audiologist with Great Credentials and Happy
- Dr. Ronna Fisher discusses hearing difficulties
on Fox Chicago Morning News Click to see video.
- See what client says about Hearing Health Center
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
7What makes our Audiologist Expert?
- Audiologist at Hearing Health Center can prevent,
evaluate, identify and handle hearing disorders.
- Our Experts Team also assess balance disorders.
- Our Audiologist make an models for you that will
be most beneficials to your situation.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
8Make Your Hearing Loss Inconspicuous
- The Expert team of Hearing Health Center will
customize your hearing aids and needs to fit you
and your lifestyle, by making your hearing loss
unnoticeable to everyone else around.
- Also we make no compromises to Quality that can
be worn 247 at a time without removal.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
9Our Team
- Our Team has the highest level of Professionalism
varied with Compassion.
- We are always looking forward to helping you and
others with hearing loss every day.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
10Better Service
- From the intial stage of hearing test to the
fitting of your new hearing aids, we will be
there for you and see you through and provide you
with all hearing aid care that you need.
- We also provide best-in-class hearing aids
accessories and services to help you achieve
better hearing for your life.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
11Find the Right Hearing Aid for you
- At Hearing Health Center you will find the
world's smartest Hearing Aids device and
accessories to fit your budget and lifestyle.
- Get the best hearing aid that suits you best at
affordable rate.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
12Do you have any Query?
- If yes, then please feel free to ask your
questions here.
- Team of Hearing Health Center are more willing to
answer your every question and provide you with
hearing aid advice too.
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com
13Contact Us
- Let Hearing Health Center will be your first
selection in providing hearing aids and audiology
(312) 260-5037
(630) 219-0154
Call Today
(847) 607-6150
(630) 426-6245
Hearing Health Center Changing Lives Since
1984 www.hearinghealthcenter.com