Title: How to prevent boiler accidents
1How to Prevent Boiler Accidents
2Boilers with low pressure capacity are very
commonly used in various types of industries for
different purposes. Biomass boilers are commonly
used in textile industry, agricultural industry
for soil steam sterilization and in poultry
farms. Ibr Steam boilers are used in chemical
industries. There are also oil and gas fired
boilers including other industrial boilers. No
matter where the boiler is used or for what
purpose it is being used, the major aspect of
using boiler productively for a long run is
safety. Maintenance, operations and operator
issues turn out to be major safety concerns right
now. The major factors that causes on-site boiler
accidents include poor maintenance,
operator/human error, temperature, leakage,
corrosion and water level among others.
Statistics evn show that around 40 of boiler
accidents are usually caused do to improper
maintenance and operator or people issues.
3Boiler accidents depends heavily on the safety
culture practiced on-site. Here are some of the
steps that can be taken to improve the safety
culture in the workplace. Start off with an
equipment gap analysis. It will let you know if
the equipment meet the safety standards. Then
a human gap analysis can be conducted to make
sure that the staff and workers or operators have
the needed and latest knowledge about the
equipment and the skill required. Training the
operators on a regular basis must be carried
out. All in all, evolving safety culture in the
work place is very important to save lives, so be
4 Although, human error is one the major
causes of boiler accident, the causes could be
related to other problems as well. Here are some
measures to prevent boiler accidents. 1. The
boiler should not be restarted over and over
again. Thermal fatigue is caused by shutting down
and starting up the boiler frequently. 2. The
feed water must be pre-treated before introducing
the water to the boiler. A water heater boiler
and ibr steam boiler cannot operate without
water. The water contains dissolved oxygen that
can cause corrosion of boiler metal. This oxygen
causes thinning of metal, pitting and spot
penetration that causes downtime and unnecessary
loss of time and money for repair/replacement.
53. It is important to regularly blow down the
boiler. Build-up of scale and accumulation of
sludge is caused by inadequate blowing down of
the boiler. This can the boiler to heat unevenly
and subsequently lead to boiler explosion. Large
boilers that operate with large quantity of water
inside are especially needed to be regularly blow
down for greater efficiency. 4. Safety relief
valves must be regularly inspected. In case of
faulty operation of the boiler or when the boiler
operates beyond the scope of safe operation, the
safety valves goes off. If the safety valves
setting are not accurate and not maintained
regularly, it wont work in emergencies and may
even lead to explosion. 5. Water level must be
appropriate. In cases where the water level is
low, it causes overheating, hence leading to
loosening of tubes and furnaces. Low water level
can be easily detected and avoided. It just needs
proper attention of the operator.
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