Title: Create Australia Founder - Myriam Borg Interview
1Interview Myriam Borg Create Australia Founder
2 Myriam Borg is the CEO and general manager of Create Australia has done some pretty outstanding things with her life so far. She has used her business astuteness to form a thriving operation that helps people get into their own Refund Consultancies. Ms. Borgs company helps people get it out. Of being an employee or even a retiree and get into their own striving business.
3 A Sydney native, and a University of Technology graduate, Myriam graduated with a degree in Adult education and training. This was the basis of her current business- even though she did not realize it yet, and she quickly entered the business world after 10 years as a training career. She was working as a corporate business trainer and had a four year old child already with number two on their way. It was then that a young Ms. Borg had her epiphany as to what to do with her life. She was sitting at home looking for a solution on how to be at home more with her children while not losing too much of her income that she was earning. Then searching she found her answer to the question lost trust monies and assets.
4 Myriam Borg had all the training she needed to start this business, and now had the passion to make it happen. It didnt take long to grow her business quickly, before selling it for a tidy profit. It was in this moment that she started her new passion. She personally put her first refund business on the market and was bombarded with many offers to buy. She made her choice on who to sell her business to, and then had the offer that changed her world. Many of her potential buyers were, understandably, a little miffed that they did not get to be the purchaser of the hugely successful refund business, but one such woman asked her the question that made her dream come to fruition. She said, ok it sold, but can you train me to do this myself? Myriam decided that yes she could do that for her, and anyone else that asked.
5 She went with it and twenty plus years later is a world leader in asset refund and recovery, and has trained an astounding 95 of similar businesses in the Australian and New Zealand. She feels like her business is to help people realize their business dreams, she states that some of the hardest things she has done in her life were making choices that were based around helping rather than pure profits. Ever the humanitarian, Myriam constantly is making choices that help others and make the world a better place.
6Do you know what steez is? If so, how do you
express your steez?
It wasnt until I did this interview did I know what steez meant. I would have to say I like to dress with class most of the time. The rest of the time you could find me in yoga pants either exercising or hanging out with my kids.
7Who/What inspired you to get into your current
I have always been interested in business. I came up with the idea for this business through life lessons and wanting to help others.
8What is one current trend that excites you?
Technology. Not only does it play such an important role in the way businesses succeed nowadays but I love the fact that I can work from anywhere I choose. Whether I am at my home office or off sailing somewhere I am running my business and taking care of people.
9What would you consider your biggest
Hands down that is how amazing my kids are turning out to be. Being a single mom and running my own business was something that concerned me when I first started. Looking at them now, how intelligent they are, how happy they are, nothing will ever beat that.
10What do you think of social media? Has it made an
impact on your professional career?
Social media is an amazing tool. Its part of that technology excitement I mentioned. Reaching people from all over, getting your message out there, it is simply amazing.
11If you were ever to start again, would you do
anything differently?
I would definitely take more risks. Being young and a mom, I was afraid to risk too much. Seeing now that one of the only ways to be successful is to take risks, I would have taken more and taken them sooner.
12What do you see for the future?
I see great things for our future. I always have a positive outlook and the drive to make it happen. I cant tell you exactly what it will be but I promise it will be great!
13Whats one piece of advice you can tell our
Set a goal and plan your strategy to achieve that goal. Once you do that you are on a path to success.