Title: Bungalow House Plan
1affordable bungalow plans
We are your source for affordable bungalow plans
including craftsman, foursquare, and cottage home
plans. We specialize in house designs for narrow
infill lots and neo-traditional communities. Our
homes are designed with community and historical
context in mind. Gracious porches, beautiful
details, and a sense of "that certain something"
come standard. Home Patterns essentially started
when our designers were working with affordable
housing developers to design sustainable home
plans. These plans had to fit well into the
pre-war neighborhood character of midtown Atlanta.
2The Anna Louise
- Plan Specifications
- Area 1,449 Sq. Ft.
- Master Second Level
- Floors No
- Basement Adaptable
- Bedrooms 3
- Bathrooms 2
- Width 32
- Depth 36
3The Wilson
- Plan Specifications
- Area 1,579 Sq. Ft.
- Master First Level
- Floors 1 Level
- Basement Adaptable
- Bedrooms 3
- Bathrooms 2.5
- Width 32
- Depth 63
4The Jacobson 3
- Plan Specifications
- Area 1,615 Sq. Ft.
- Master First Level
- Floors 1.5 Levels
- Basement Options Available
- Bedrooms 3
- Bathrooms 2.5
- Width 32
- Depth 50
5The Dorothy
- Plan Specifications
- Area 1,865 Sq. Ft.
- Master Second Level
- Floors 1.5 Levels
- Basement Options Available
- Bedrooms 5
- Bathrooms 2.5
- Width 30
- Depth 41
6Contact Us
- Home Patterns LLC
- Craftsman and Bungalow Home Plans
- Telephone (864) 278 0068
- E-mail info_at_homepatterns.com
- Hours 9-5 EST
- Website www.homepatterns.com
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