Title: Introduction To FOMAT Medical Research
1 Introduction to FOMAT Medical Research
Innovating Healthcare for Hispanics FOMAT
Medical Research is an international company
focused on innovating Healthcare for Hispanics
throughout the Americas. In the US, we are a
Hispanic focused Site Management Organization
(SMO) and in Latin America, we are a SMO with
local Contract Research Organization (CRO)
capabilities pioneering Clinical Trials
throughout the region.
- FOMAT Medical Research has over 10 years of
experience participating in Clinical Research,
including most therapeutic areas. - We help you accomplished the FDA requirements to
research abroad the whole demographic spectrum. - In Latin America we assist in Clinical Research
as a SMO with local Contract Research
Organization (CRO) capabilities. -
3 Hispanic Diversity
According to the FDA, increased clinical trial
diversity could help researchers improve
treatments for diseases that disproportionately
affect individual populations and ensure the
safety and effectiveness of new therapies for
4Clinical Trials in the Americas
Recruiting Hispanic physicians, to care for
Hispanic communities will increase cultural
competency, community comfort, and patient
5Our Quality Promise
Our business has been built around a complete
service promise. Quality is at the very heart of
all our processes. You can be guaranteed that
what we will deliver to you a complete job
matching your specifications and expectations
6 Contact US
To know more about us
Visit https//fomatmedical.com/ Email us
fomatmedicalresearchca_at_gmail.com Call On