Title: Authorized User and Primary User Accounts
1Authorized Users LLC
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2Difference between Authorized user and Primary
User Accounts
The primary user is the person who applies
directly to the credit card companies. In other
words the owner of the credit.
3Difference between Authorized user and Primary
User Accounts
The credit reporting for primary users will
always be considered as a stronger source to
measure individuals by credit bureau standards.
4Difference between Authorized user and Primary
User Accounts
Authorized users are recognized by the
information which is reported to the credit
bureaus by card companies but may be subject to
restrictions as to how the reporting is done and
length of time and history reported.
5Difference between Authorized user and Primary
User Accounts
The primary user reporting file will contain all
history from the institutions reporting payment
history, and it will more heavily be weighted as
a source for scoring and determining credit
decisions for those applying directly for credit.
6Difference between Authorized user and Primary
User Accounts
- Key factors to understand are
- Primary users are considered to be the owners of
credit, and their tradelines carry more weight. - Authorized user tradeline reporting may have
limitations with respect to time and card issuing
company. - Each tradeline may be recognized differently by
institutions with which credit sought. - Primary cardholders are limited to the total
number of authorized users available per card.
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