Title: Motivational Quotes: That will 'move' you!
1Inspiring Motivational Quotes
That will move you!
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2Your life doesn't get better by chance
It gets better by choice.
- Jim Rohn
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3Dream carefully, because dreams come ttrue.
- Anonymous
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4Anyone who has never made a misttake has never
tried anything new.
- Albert Einstein
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5It's not what you can create it's what you can
- Anonymous
is not falling down, it is not getting up again.
- Mary Pickford
7Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it
can achieve.
- Napoleon Hill
8Whether you think you can or you think you
cant, youre rightt.
- Henry Ford
9You miss 100 of the shotts you dont take.
- Wayne Gretzky
10The most common way people give up their power
is by thinking they dont have any.
- Alice Walker
11It always seems impossible until itts done.
- Nelson Mandela
12The secret of getttting ahead is
getttting sttartted.
- Mark Twain
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13- Aim for the moon. If you miss,
- you may hit a sttar.
- W. Clement Stone
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14You have to dream before your dreams can come
- A.P.J Abdul Kalam
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15- You can never change your life until you sttep
outt of your comfort zone.
- Roy T. Bennett
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16Sttartt where you are.
Use what you have.
- Do what you can.
- - Arthur Ashe
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17Theres a way to do it better find itt.
- Thomas A. Edison
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18Either I will find a way, or I will make one.
- Anonymous
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19We generatte fears while we sitt. We overcome
them by acttion.
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20Balance your tthoughtts with acttions. If you
spend ttoo much
time tthinking, youll never gett itt done. -
Bruce Lee
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21Problems are nott sttop signs, they are
- Robert H. Schuller
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22Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter.
Fail again. Fail better. - Samuel Beckett
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23If you wantt the
you gotta putt up with the rain. - Dolly Parton
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24A dream doesnt become realitty through magic
it takes sweatt, detterminattion, and hard work.
- Colin Powell
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25Our hope is that our favorite motivational quotes
will inspire you to achieve your dreams.
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