Title: HRM 350 MART Motivating Students to Learn/hrm350mart.com
1HRM 350 MART Motivating Students to
- www.hrm350mart.com
2HRM 350 Entire Course (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm350mart.com HRM 350 Week 1 DQ 1
and DQ 2 HRM 350 Week 1 Strategic Human Resources
Activities Matrix HRM 350 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ
2 HRM 350 Week 2 Company Review of Strategic
Alignment HRM 350 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 HRM 350
Week 3 International Job Search HRM 350 Week 4 DQ
1 and DQ 2 HRM 350 Week 4 Learning Team Human
Resource Team Report, Part I HRM 350 Week 5
Real-World Decisions
3HRM 350 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hrm350mart.com DQ 1 What
is HRs role in strategic planning? How does this
role change in global organizations? DQ 2 What
is organizational culture? In what ways does the
role of HR affect organizational culture? How
might a companys organizational culture be
affected when expanding into a different country?
4HRM 350 Week 1 Strategic Human Resources
Activities Matrix (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm350mart.com Individual
Assignment Strategic Human Resources Activities
Matrix Resources Strategic Human Resources
Activity Matrix Student Web site
5HRM 350 Week 2 Company Review of Strategic
VISIT www.hrm350mart.com Individual
Assignment Company Review of Strategic
Alignment Choose a multinational organization
from the list and review their online HR mission
statement and information on their career-related
web pages.
6HRM 350 Week 2 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hrm350mart.com DQ 1 What
issues should an institution consider when
placing potential employees into positions in a
multinational institution? Why? How might the
placement of home and host nation employees
affect the institutions operations?
7HRM 350 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hrm350mart.com DQ 1 As a
human resource manager for a multinational
organization, how would you recommend identifying
the training needs of locals? How might training
and development vary depending on the country,
and how would you ensure all needs are met?
8HRM 350 Week 3 International Job Search (UOP)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm350mart.com Ind
ividual Assignment International Job
Search Review the job listings at a
multinational organization. You may choose from
the organizations from Week Two. Write a 1,050-
to 1,200-word paper in which you address the
following Outline the recruitment strategies
the organization uses.
9 HRM 350 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hrm350mart.com DQ 1 Rank
your top five most important components of a
total rewards system. Explain why they are
important to you. How might these change if you
are in a foreign country? DQ 2
10HRM 350 Week 4 Learning Team Human Resource Team
VISIT www.hrm350mart.com HRM 350 Week 4
Learning Team Human Resource Team Report, Part I
11HRM 350 Week 5 Human Resource Team Report, Part
II (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm350mart.c
om HRM 350 Week 5 Human Resource Team Report,
Part II
12HRM 350 Week 5 Real-World Decisions (UOP) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm350mart.com Individu
al Assignment Real-World Decisions Resources
Real World Decisions Student web site Complete
the Real World Scenarios sheet located on the
Student Web site for Week Five.
13HRM 350 MART Motivating Students to
- www.hrm350mart.com