Title: AT13 Pallet Tracker – For Global Pallet Management
1Pallet tracking solution
Thinkrace 2017-06
- Tracking system
- Pallet and tracker
- Pallet tracking solution
- Company profile
3Long standby tracker
GSM Specifications GSM Specifications
Frequency 850MHz/1900MHz 900MHz/1800MHz
GPS Specifications GPS Specifications
GPS Chipset MTK6160D
GPS Tracking Sensitivity lt 10 meter
GPS Tracking Sensitivity -163dBm
GPS Acquisition Sensitivity -148dBm
General Specifications General Specifications
Dimensions 69mm48mm25mm
Weight 100g
Battery 2700mAh/3.6V2pcs Li/SOCL2 Non-rechargeable battery
1. GPS/LBS/AGPS multi mode positioning 2. Real-time location management 3. Ultra long standby for 3 years 4. APN self-adaption configuration 5. Vibration alarm 6. Illegal removal alarm 7. Automatic remote upgrade 8. Automatic fault recovery
4Long standby tracker
Tracking software Amber360
- Global coverage
- Seperate Admin/Agent/End User Login
- Realtime tracking with historical play back for
up to 120 days - Remote control features such as voice monitor,
configuration, arm and alert setting - Circle, retangel, polygon geofence in/out
alarming - Email Notification on alarming(Support add SMS
features as required) - Billing system
- Customizable iOS and Android app with your own
logo - Customized reporting modules(Happy to add more as
required) - Multilingual with 13 languages(Happy to add
addtional language as required) - Service Fee ONLY USD 5/unit/year from 2nd
year(12 for lifelong )
Url www.amber360.com/ App Amber360/AmberOBD
Demo account personaldemo Password 1q2w3e
Grid non-reversible pallet 1210-B
6Install the tracker in the pallet
1.Put the tracker AT13 in a foam(not shown) 2.Ins
tall the foam into the whole of pallet 3.Install
the waterproof cover to seal up the whole.
7Package Solution-A
We send the Pallets, Tracker and Boxes, all
three of them separately, for you to carry out
the fitting at your end.
Waterproof Cover Pallet
8Pallet factory
9Pallet factory
10Pallet factory
Mold installation
Mold inspection
Mold workshop
Production workshop
Production workshop
Production workshop
11Pallet factory
Shipping area
Injection molding
Production workshop
Shipment inspection
Shipping area
Shipping area
12Thank you
Visit - http//www.thinkrace.in/pallet-tracker-at1