Title: How Root Canal Treatment Saves Your Tooth
1How Root Canal Treatment Saves Your Tooth
Dr. Joe Stucky, DDS Soft Touch Dental
2Modern dentistry has come a long way and your
dentist always strives to save your natural teeth
rather than extract them.
Using the most effective an aesthetics and
precision endodontic instruments, your dentist
will do everything possible to preserve your
natural tooth with root canal treatment.
3Why Root Canal Treatment is Needed?
In the center of the tooth lie the pulp tissues
which make up the living portion of the tooth.
When decay extends all the way to the pulp
chamber, these living tissues are exposed to
bacteria and food particles
4These leads to infection deep inside the tooth.
The infection can result in severe pain and
abscess in the gums and even widespread bodily
infection if not treated.
5To alleviate the pain and infection, your dentist
will thoroughly numb the area around the tooth
with a local anesthetic and remove the infected
tissues in the pulp chamber.
Your teeth can still function optimally once the
infected pulp is removed.
6If you are experiencing severe tooth pain, visit
your dentist as soon as possible so that they can
perform a tooth-saving root canal treatment.
Endodontic treatment helps you maintain your
natural smile, continue eating the foods you love
and limits the need for ongoing dental work. With
proper care, most teeth that have had root canal
treatment can last a lifetime.
7See what a confident new smile can do for you.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!