Title: High Quality Personal Care Labels Improve Your Odds
1 High Quality Personal Care Labels Improve
Your Odds
2The average female consumer in the U.S. uses 12
personal care products each day. For me, the
number dips to six, but the overall consumption
is tremendous. Today's consumer is bombarded with
competing messaging over which product to buy.
And in the massive personal care market,
effective personal care labels are more important
than ever. Properly designed and manufactured
personal care labels will
3Support the goal of the prospect - Personal care
prospects want to feel better about them or they
want to convey positive feelings to others.
4Convert prospects to customers - Personal care
labels are the last point of marketing contact
for your prospect. Whether they are shopping
online or inside a brick-and-mortar location,
your label can help your prospect make a decision
in your favor
5- Educate and persuade - Despite all of the
information available on the Internet, it is
often the information on effective personal care
labels that makes a consumer choose your product
over a product from the competition.
6Personal Care Labels That Attract Attention  At
ADCRAFT, we understand the extensive time, effort
and resources that you've invested to build your
brand. We can help design and manufacture
neutraceutical labels that will both enhance your
brand identity and improve sales.
7For more information on how ADCRAFT can help you
stand out from your competition, call (714)
776-1230, or click here to reach us online.