Title: Top 5 HTML 5 Tools For Web Development
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2HTML is the set of markup symbols or codes
inserted in a file intended for display on a
World Wide Web browser page. HTML5 development
services have been on a rise since last few
years. There are many resources which are
available to HTML5 developers for designing or
developing websites or web application.
3We discussed about Top 5 html 5 Essential Tools
For Web Development which popular in current
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51). Sprite Box Tool Spritebox is a simple
WYSIWYG tool to help web folk generate, slice and
maintain sprite images in CSS, Less and SASS.
This tool helps the HTML5 developers in designing
the images into sprite using the tools like
jQuery, CSS3, and some of the HTML5 development
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72). Adobe Edge Animate Adobe Edge Animate,
formerly known as simply Adobe Edge,2 is a web
development tool developed by Adobe Systems that
uses HTML5, Javascript, and CSS3 functionality.
This HTML5 development tool is used for
developing interactive websites or web contents
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93). Font Testing Tool Selecting a decent font
for a website can be a difficult task for many
dedicated HTML5 developers. HTML5 developers
can use the power of HTML5 simply by dragging
font.tff files into top toolbar which would
appear as a quick view. Read More- 10 Most
Popular HTML5 Editors
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114). HTML5 Reset This HTML5 tool is used for
resetting the web development clock. Moreover,
there is no HTML5 development tool which is there
to match up the performance and results delivered
when HTML5 developers need to edit their old
website codes.
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135). Liveweave Liveweave is a HTML5, CSS3
JavaScript playground for web designers and
developers. Liveweave is an ideal platform to
practice the HTML5 and CSS3 code.The platform
enables us to write the code and execute it as
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