Title: Kolmet Hospital and Ashoka Nursing Home and Multispeciality Hospital
1Kolmet Hospital and Ashoka Nursing Home and
Multispeciality Hospital The kolmet hospital was
established at first in 1921 at Lahore by Sir
Ganga Ram (1851-1927), a structural architect and
driving humanitarian of his circumstances. After
the segment in 1947, the present hospital was
built up in New Delhi on a plot of land
approximately11 sections of land. The
establishment was laid in April 1951 by the then
Prime Minister of India Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru
and initiated by him on 13 April 1954. Ashoka
Nursing Home and Multispeciality Hospital was
begun by Dr Deepa Singh and Dr Ashok Singh in
May 1977 as a 5 had relations with Gynecological
focus. Throughout the years it was gradually
expanded to now stand glad as a 100 had relations
with multi-strength focus which is increasing
increasingly ubiquity each passing day. This has
just been conceivable because of the magnanimous
devotion of our group of specialists, medical
attendants and other staff, who go for
flawlessness and quality in each part of patient