Title: Packaging Chimp - Flexible Packaging Boxes
Cardboard Tubes Paper Polythene
2About Us
Meet Chip our packaging chimp, Chip believes in
making packaging simple.With so many options out
there in the packaging jungle it is easy to
become overwhelmed by the number of choices
available. Our idea is to keep things simple
making sure you get the products you want
quickly and offering great customer service to
make sure you get the items you actually need.
Cardboard Boxes Cardboard Tubes
Grey mailing bags Tamper evident bags
4Cardboard Boxes
Packaging Chimp provides a wide range of
cardboard boxes. The Cardboard Boxes we sell are
durable, long lasting and at the most
competitive prices. We guarantee to beat any
independent packaging retailer on price, whilst
offering and providing premium products.
5Cardboard Tubes
- The cardboard tubes we produce are ideal for
items such as posters. Cardboard tubes ensure
that the item travels to its location discreetly
and securely. The rigid cardboard tubes absorb
any bumps and knocks that may be incurred during
transport.We also produce a number of cardboard
tubes designed to fit with the Royal Mail postal
tube size.Add subheading
6Grey Mailing Boxes
Packaging Chimp specialises in producing high
quality polythene mailing bags. Our mailing bags
are 100 polythene, guaranteed to protect
against water damage in addition to being anti
tear. These mailing bags are also excellent to
protect the identity of contents due to their
high opacity.
7Tamper Evident Bag
The ranges of tamper evident bags are used for a
number of uses and applications. From the safe
and secure transport of currency to the storage
of evidence in police use, the tamper evident
bag range we supply is perfect for protecting
valuable or confidential items.
8Packaging Chimp Unit 15 Everite Rd Industrial
Estate Westgate Widnes Cheshire WA8 8RA Call
us 0151 420 9920 Email us sales_at_packagingchimp