Title: Film Trends
1Film Trends
Source www.wildrabbitaerial.com
2Film legitimizes and promotes modern marketing.
With so many ways to create and edit film, there
are a lot of ways to produce new and interesting
content for marketing.
Source www.wildrabbitaerial.com
3- Live video Live video is experiencing a huge
surge. For example, daily Facebook views are
approximately 8 billion per year, with viewing of
text posts declining. Live video has a sense of
informality, excitement and the perception of
credibility. It also provides the opportunity to
interact with users and your audience. This kind
of video has a sense of urgency and freshness
that audiences love, especially because its
limited in nature. -
Source www.wildrabbitaerial.com
4- Drone filming Drone filming is exiting for a
number of reasons. It allows you to capture shots
that have never been seen before because you
would regularly need a crane or helicopter. Drone
filming allows you to see the world in a whole
new way and for that reason is groundbreaking.
Source www.wildrabbitaerial.com
5- Virtual reality Virtual reality or VR has caused
a lot of disruption with headsets and content
being more accessible and cheaper than ever. VR
provides an immersive experience that is ideal
for entertainment, games and even for informative
journeys. -
Source www.wildrabbitaerial.com
6See how drone filming elevates your work! Source
http//www.wildrabbitaerial.com/, Information
shared above is the personal opinion of the
author and not affiliated with the website.
Source www.wildrabbitaerial.com