Title: Taking Care of your Braava Jet 240
1 Taking Care of your Braava Jet 240
2 Taking care of your Braava jet 240
Braava jet is an automatic mopping robot from
iRobot which was recently launched in the Indian
market. While the smart mopping robot completely
takes care of the cleaning of your floors, there
are a few things you need to do, to take care of
your Braava jet, to keep it running at its peak
3Cliff and Pad Detection Sensors
- Use a damp cloth to clean the sensors, which are
placed at the bottom of the bot.
- Pull off any visible debris or hair that could be
gathered around the wheels of Braava jet.
4Body of the Robot
- Use a damp cloth to lightly wipe off the dirt
from the body or bumper of the Braava jet
Precision Jet Spray Nozzle
- To clean the jet spray nozzle, wipe the nozzle
with a damp cloth.
- If you notice any bad odour from the tank, fill
the tank with hot tap water (not boiling water)
and shake the robot. Rinse the tank, and repeat
if necessary. Dry the tank before using the robot.
Washable Cleaning Pads
- After the usage of cleaning pads, hand washing
air drying is recommended. Before replacing the
cleaning pads, it can be washed up to 50 times. - Wash on warm cycle followed by air drying if
washed in washing machine.
6About iRobot
Robotics has found numerous applications in the
consumer appliance segment. iRobot is a leading
global company, which manufactures consumer
robots, and Puresight Systems is the distributor
partner for selling iRobots products in
India. For more details, visit
http//irobot.in/ Some of iRobots products are
Vacuum Cleaning Robot Roomba 980
Floor Mopping Robot Braava Jet 240