Title: Ice Cakes Offered by CakenGifts in Delhi
1 91-9540 338 338
Enjoy summer party with the Ice Cake of
2Now it is possible to enjoy summer party with the
Ice Cake of CakenGifts.
3Ice Cake is like a boon for us in this summer for
celebrating any summer party.
4Now no summer party will be missed by you
5because cakengifts.in is such a site that will
provide you delightful ice cakes at very minimum
6These cakes can be used for all occasions such as
birthday, anniversary, wedding, new year, or any
special occasion.
7 91-9540 338 338
Contact Details Contact name Rajiv
Kumar Contact Number 9540338338 Address Vijay
Block, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi-110092
Website- https//www.cakengifts
.in/cake-delivery-in-new-friends-colony-delhi http
1-delhi https//www.cakengifts.in/cake-delivery-in
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